ISBN beginnend mit 9783659814
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659814008: Rabar Salih: Improve Protein Content in the Cell Wall of the Kenaf Fibers
- ISBN 9783659814006: Rabar Salih: Improve Protein Content in the Cell Wall of the Kenaf Fibers
- ISBN 9783659814013: Bronhoobstruktivnyj sindrom u detej rannego vozrasta
- ISBN 9783659814020: Mohamed Elaskary: Muslims in Elizabethan Drama: History and Fiction
- ISBN 9783659814037: Sandip Sapkal: Solubility and dissolution enhancement of some BCS class II drugs
- ISBN 3659814040: Grace Mwathe: Reading developmental trends in English language in Kenyan schools
- ISBN 9783659814044: Grace Mwathe: Reading developmental trends in English language in Kenyan schools
- ISBN 9783659814051: Partha Pratim Mitra: Challenges of skills and employability in an aspiring India
- ISBN 9783659814068: Kunle Oparinde: Invectives in Two African Languages: isiZulu and Yoruba
- ISBN 3659814075: Anabelie Valdez: The Mentors and the Proteges: A Phenomenological Study
- ISBN 9783659814075: Anabelie Valdez: The Mentors and the Proteges: A Phenomenological Study
- ISBN 3659814083: Malek Abbasi: The arithmetic of Events and a new theory of Gravitation
- ISBN 9783659814082: Malek Abbasi: The arithmetic of Events and a new theory of Gravitation
- ISBN 9783659814099: Madhubrata Satpathy: A critical analysis of power sector reforms in Orissa
- ISBN 9783659814105: Ciklicheskaq stratigrafiq rifej-paleozojskih otlozhenij
- ISBN 3659814113: Henry Odhiambo: Simulating Crystalline GST for Phase-Change Memory Applications
- ISBN 9783659814112: Henry Odhiambo: Simulating Crystalline GST for Phase-Change Memory Applications
- ISBN 9783659814129: Rabindra Kumar Swain: Banking Management in India
- ISBN 365981413X: Barnohon Temerbekowa: Obespechenie dostowernosti izmeritel'noj informacii w IUS
- ISBN 9783659814136: Barnohon Temerbekowa: Obespechenie dostowernosti izmeritel'noj informacii w IUS
- ISBN 3659814148: Hanaa Sabra: New Trends and Issues in Nursing
- ISBN 9783659814143: Hanaa Sabra: New Trends and Issues in Nursing
- ISBN 9783659814150: V. B. Dongre: Genetic Evaluation of Sahiwal Cattle Based on Lactation Curves
- ISBN 3659814172: Anil Kulkarni: Seed Borne Fungi Of maize
- ISBN 9783659814174: Anil Kulkarni: Seed Borne Fungi Of maize
- ISBN 9783659814181: Suhad Hadi Mohammed: Practical Immunology
- ISBN 3659814199: Subba Reddy Rajam Reddy: Studies on Pure and Molybdenum Doped Nanocrystalline Zinc Oxide Films
- ISBN 9783659814198: Subba Reddy Rajam Reddy: Studies on Pure and Molybdenum Doped Nanocrystalline Zinc Oxide Films
- ISBN 9783659814204: Liya Alice Thomas: External root resorption-an overview
- ISBN 9783659814211: Pascal Habimana: Impediments to the implementation of competition law and policy in EAC
- ISBN 9783659814228: Filosofiya nulevogo mira
- ISBN 3659814237: Anbarasan Palanisamy: E-Agriculture: An ICT Based Technology Transfer Model in Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659814235: Anbarasan Palanisamy: E-Agriculture: An ICT Based Technology Transfer Model in Agriculture
- ISBN 3659814245: Alexander Soiguine: Geometric Phase in Geometric Algebra Qubit Formalism
- ISBN 9783659814242: Alexander Soiguine: Geometric Phase in Geometric Algebra Qubit Formalism
- ISBN 3659814253: Mala Kumari: Genetic Analysis of Kernel traits in bread wheat (T. aestivum)
- ISBN 9783659814259: Mala Kumari: Genetic Analysis of Kernel traits in bread wheat (T. aestivum)
- ISBN 9783659814266: Piyush Vagadia Ashok Senapati Binal Koyani: Standardization of papaya and banana based fruit bar
- ISBN 9783659814273: Sami Al-Mudhaffar: Education in Iraq
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- ISBN 9783659814280: Hanzade Dogan: MIS-UN-TRUE Informed Consent
- ISBN 365981430X: Kannan Thandavan Arthanari: Spleen, Thymus and Caecal Tonsil in Chicken
- ISBN 9783659814303: Kannan Thandavan Arthanari: Spleen, Thymus and Caecal Tonsil in Chicken
- ISBN 9783659814310: Hanan S. Badawy: Rudist, Coralline Sponge, Gastropod in El-Hassana Protectorate, Egypt
- ISBN 9783659814327: Izaddin Rasool: Female Suicide and Attempted Suicide in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
- ISBN 3659814334: Omer Thayee: Designing Novel Electroluminescent Polymers Suitable in PLED Devices
- ISBN 9783659814334: Omer Thayee: Designing Novel Electroluminescent Polymers Suitable in PLED Devices
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- ISBN 9783659814372: Shoaib Yousaf Matloub Hussain Salyha Yousaf: Analyzing the relationship between Batch- Sizing and Bullwhip Effect
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- ISBN 9783659814426: Anatolij Zheleznyj: Atlantida pokoitsq na dne Chörnogo morq
- ISBN 3659814431: Chishty Syed Qadeeruddin: Thin film studies using copper oxide
- ISBN 9783659814433: Chishty Syed Qadeeruddin: Thin film studies using copper oxide
- ISBN 365981444X: Muhammet Topuz: Silifke-Erdemli Aras¿ndaki Derelerin Jeomorfometrik Analizi
- ISBN 9783659814440: Muhammet Topuz: Silifke-Erdemli Aras¿ndaki Derelerin Jeomorfometrik Analizi
- ISBN 3659814458: Gilda Alves Brown: The health and environmental threats related to gas stations
- ISBN 9783659814457: Gilda Alves Brown: The health and environmental threats related to gas stations
- ISBN 3659814466: Hüseyin Baran: Dijital Sanatta Yenilikçi Yakla¿¿mlar: Sanal Gerçeklik ve Animasyon
- ISBN 3659814474: Arash Khodadadi: Collection and classification of Services and their context
- ISBN 9783659814471: Arash Khodadadi: Collection and classification of Services and their context
- ISBN 3659814482: Chemika Reed Burkhalter: Mental Illness in Prison: Recidivism Rates and Diagnostic Criteria
- ISBN 9783659814488: Chemika Reed Burkhalter: Mental Illness in Prison: Recidivism Rates and Diagnostic Criteria
- ISBN 9783659814495: Rasela Tufue: Parental participation in children's education: A Samoan case
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- ISBN 9783659814532: Samuel Moveh: Effect of vegetable based oil as lubricants in extrusion process
- ISBN 9783659814549: Christine Cole: Stolen Babies - Broken Hearts: Forced Adoption in Australia 1881-1987
- ISBN 9783659814556: Yogesh Patil: Bullock friendly cart for Indian sugarcane transport
- ISBN 3659814563: Sibel K¿l¿ç: Hayvan Sembolizmi-Türkmenistan Tak¿lar¿nda
- ISBN 9783659814563: Sibel K¿l¿ç: Hayvan Sembolizmi-Türkmenistan Tak¿lar¿nda
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- ISBN 9783659814587: Azriel Azarcon: The History of the Presbyterian Church of the Philippines (1977-2004)
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- ISBN 9783659814617: Zhanry i tematika ukrainskogo kino 20-h godov
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- ISBN 9783659814624: Mohamed Migahed: Aspects of CO2 Corrosion in Oil and Gas Industry
- ISBN 9783659814631: Victor Ekong: Depression Prediction Using a Soft Computing Approach
- ISBN 9783659814648: Smail Arslan: 19.Yüzy¿lda Balkanlar'da Sosyo-Ekonomik ¿li¿kiler
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- ISBN 9783659814655: Romany Thabet: IBD: Biomarkers of UCEIS
- ISBN 9783659814662: Nikola Cuculeski: The influence of the factors of consumer behavior in tourism
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- ISBN 9783659814686: Vrajesh B. Parikh: An introduction of Crown Ether Schiff Bases & Its Applications
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- ISBN 9783659814693: Ahmed Abdallganie: The Usage of Static & Dynamic Modals in calculating STOIIP
- ISBN 9783659814709: Roberto Posavec: Development perspectives of health tourism in the Republic of Croatia
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- ISBN 9783659814846: Manish Kumar Jha: Kisan Credit Card : A Qualitative Assessment of Moradabad District
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- ISBN 9783659814853: Alexandr Shhegol'kow: Jelektronagrewateli dlq teplowoj podgotowki dizel'nyh dwigatelej
- ISBN 3659814865: Fran Sérgio Lobato: Bio-inspired Optimization Methods
- ISBN 9783659814860: Fran Sérgio Lobato: Bio-inspired Optimization Methods
- ISBN 9783659814877: Rita Choudhury: Family support System of Invulnerable Children in India
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- ISBN 9783659814884: Dina Karamarko: Supplier and public procurer response to a circular economy
- ISBN 9783659814891: Jena, Prajnya Paramita: Pre-service Teacher Education Concerning School Curriculum Reform / A Mixed Method Study in Delhi
- ISBN 9783659814907: Alexandr Moiseev: Aktual'nye voprosy strategicheskogo upravleniya shkoloj
- ISBN 9783659814914: Vijay Chaudhari: Peace and Violence in Harold Pinter's War Poetry
- ISBN 365981492X: Katarzyna Str¿bska: Verbal Constructions in the European Union Legislation
- ISBN 9783659814921: Katarzyna Str¿bska: Verbal Constructions in the European Union Legislation
- ISBN 9783659814938: Akhilesh Nagpal: The impact of microfinance on the development and performance
- ISBN 3659814946: Waheed Alwadiee: Failure Forecast of B737 Bleed Air System Using ANN
- ISBN 9783659814945: Waheed Alwadiee: Failure Forecast of B737 Bleed Air System Using ANN
- ISBN 9783659814952: Zayed Alzuheiri: Such Systems OF Fractional Differential Equations
- ISBN 3659814962: Kawa Mirza Salih: Annotated Translation Project of The Old Man and The Sea
- ISBN 9783659814969: Kawa Mirza Salih: Annotated Translation Project of The Old Man and The Sea
- ISBN 9783659814976: Pokrytie dlya giperzvukovyh samoletov
- ISBN 9783659814983: Jinan Hussein: Optoelectronic and structural properties of a-As/c-Si junction
- ISBN 9783659814990: Raphael Costa Cristovam da Rocha: Deforestation and climate impact in the Pantanal of Nhecolândia