ISBN beginnend mit 9783659815
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659815004: Wynand Verwoerd: Scale-Dependent Porous Dispersion
- ISBN 9783659815003: Wynand Verwoerd: Scale-Dependent Porous Dispersion
- ISBN 9783659815010: Yasmeen Taalab: Do SNPs Underlie Drug Abuse and Cardiac Disease Comorbidity?
- ISBN 9783659815027: Kadhim Kamil: Anemia in children aged 6 months to 6 years in Erbil city
- ISBN 3659815039: Angelica Merlot: Metal-Binding Drugs for Cancer Therapy
- ISBN 9783659815034: Angelica Merlot: Metal-Binding Drugs for Cancer Therapy
- ISBN 3659815047: Ijeoma Anumaka: Policy Studies for Educational Management students
- ISBN 9783659815041: Ijeoma Anumaka: Policy Studies for Educational Management students
- ISBN 3659815055: Ismoil Safarov: Static and dynamic stress-strain state of parallel tubes in deformable
- ISBN 9783659815058: Ismoil Safarov: Static and dynamic stress-strain state of parallel tubes in deformable
- ISBN 9783659815065: Agata Pawlak: Demand side of international students tourism market
- ISBN 3659815071: Mina Shehata: Analytical Study for Characterization of the Icon Materials
- ISBN 9783659815072: Mina Shehata: Analytical Study for Characterization of the Icon Materials
- ISBN 9783659815089: Slavisa Popovic: Serbian Forest Indicators by CORINE Land Cover
- ISBN 3659815098: A. S. Abdel-Rahman: Molecular Symmetry Degeneracy and Group Theory
- ISBN 9783659815096: A. S. Abdel-Rahman: Molecular Symmetry Degeneracy and Group Theory
- ISBN 3659815101: David Ngindu Buabua: Seismicity and Geodynamics of DR Congo from 1910 to 2010
- ISBN 9783659815102: David Ngindu Buabua: Seismicity and Geodynamics of DR Congo from 1910 to 2010
- ISBN 9783659815119: José Endoença Martins: Signifyin(g) as Black Translation in Postcolonial Experience
- ISBN 3659815128: Noreen Abbas: Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 as Novel Marker of Phosphate Homeostasis
- ISBN 9783659815126: Noreen Abbas: Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 as Novel Marker of Phosphate Homeostasis
- ISBN 9783659815133: Iannacone, Stefano: Particle deposition in membranes feed channels / A comparison between micro-structured and commercial reverse osmosis membranes / Stefano Iannacone / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 56 S. / Englisch / 2015
- ISBN 3659815144: Eva Sticova: Bilirubin secretory pathway and its disorders
- ISBN 9783659815140: Eva Sticova: Bilirubin secretory pathway and its disorders
- ISBN 9783659815157: Priyadarshini Bhatia: Commonly occuring syndromes in children
- ISBN 9783659815164: Waktole Hailu: Socio economic values of weaving
- ISBN 3659815179: Siphiwo Christopher Ngeni: The Accountability Of Ward Councillors
- ISBN 9783659815171: Siphiwo Christopher Ngeni: The Accountability Of Ward Councillors
- ISBN 9783659815188: Kontextnoe obuchenie. Virtual nye stendovye laboratornye raboty
- ISBN 3659815195: Romany Thabet: Effect of vitamin D deficiency on ICAM in UC
- ISBN 9783659815195: Romany Thabet: Effect of vitamin D deficiency on ICAM in UC
- ISBN 9783659815201: Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti predprinimatel skih struktur
- ISBN 9783659815218: Aasif Raza: Metal Free Ceramics
- ISBN 3659815225: Giovanni Alcocer: Numerical Integrals and Differential Equations
- ISBN 9783659815225: Giovanni Alcocer: Numerical Integrals and Differential Equations
- ISBN 9783659815232: Mihail Lukashewich: Teoriq i praktika internacionalizacii rossijskih innowacionnyh MSP
- ISBN 9783659815249: Nolberto Munier: The Art and Science of Decision-Making
- ISBN 9783659815256: Ahmed Abired: Bacterial Profile of Respiratory Tract Infections in Libya
- ISBN 3659815268: Bogdan Alexandru Hagiu: Physical therapy in respiratory diseases
- ISBN 9783659815263: Bogdan Alexandru Hagiu: Physical therapy in respiratory diseases
- ISBN 9783659815270: Csaba László Dégi: Psychosocial oncology needs: an absent voice in Romania
- ISBN 3659815284: Ivailo Pandiev: Electronic Small-signal Amplifier Circuits Using VFOAs And CFOAs: Analysis, Design and Modelling
- ISBN 9783659815287: Ivailo Pandiev: Electronic Small-signal Amplifier Circuits Using VFOAs And CFOAs: Analysis, Design and Modelling
- ISBN 9783659815294: Jayne Abonyo: Access and use of construction information in institutions in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659815300: Sumanta Mukhopadhyay: Modern Aspect in Materials Physics and Chemistry
- ISBN 3659815314: Hind Shaker Al-Mamoory: Level of factor VIII and D-Dimer in females with recurrent abortion
- ISBN 9783659815317: Hind Shaker Al-Mamoory: Level of factor VIII and D-Dimer in females with recurrent abortion
- ISBN 9783659815324: Maxim Timohin: Primenenie momentnyh urawnenij dlq issledowaniq gazowyh techenij
- ISBN 9783659815331: Esther Katuura: Antiplasmodial activity and safety profile of some Ugandan plants
- ISBN 3659815349: Macheo Payne: Educational Lynching: The Over Suspension of Black Males in U.S
- ISBN 9783659815348: Macheo Payne: Educational Lynching: The Over Suspension of Black Males in U.S
- ISBN 3659815357: Joris Steinberg: Cultural Perceptions of Foreigners Working in Rio de Janeiro
- ISBN 9783659815355: Joris Steinberg: Cultural Perceptions of Foreigners Working in Rio de Janeiro
- ISBN 9783659815362: Scheherazade W. Forman: Characteristics of Successful College Students
- ISBN 9783659815379: Pluvio J. Coronado: Human Papillomavirus infection and cervical screening in older women
- ISBN 9783659815386: Chery Pie Lee: Information and Communication Technology in Teaching-Learning Process
- ISBN 9783659815393: Zeynep Topaloglu: Default Risk
- ISBN 3659815403: Valerij Matweew: Beskardannye inercial'nye sistemy orientacii i nawigacii
- ISBN 9783659815409: Valerij Matweew: Beskardannye inercial'nye sistemy orientacii i nawigacii
- ISBN 3659815411: Lorik Papikqnc: Predlozhenie o neobychnom äkonomicheskom razwitii
- ISBN 9783659815416: Lorik Papikqnc: Predlozhenie o neobychnom äkonomicheskom razwitii
- ISBN 365981542X: Tat'qna Iwanowa: Social'no-pedagogicheskaq profilaktika podrostkowoj wiktimnosti
- ISBN 9783659815423: Tat'qna Iwanowa: Social'no-pedagogicheskaq profilaktika podrostkowoj wiktimnosti
- ISBN 3659815438: Harun Patel: Design and Synthesis of ALK5 Inhibitors
- ISBN 9783659815430: Harun Patel: Design and Synthesis of ALK5 Inhibitors
- ISBN 3659815446: N. S. Murti Sarma: A Novel Proposal about Hundred percent of voting Based on information
- ISBN 9783659815447: N. S. Murti Sarma: A Novel Proposal about Hundred percent of voting Based on information
- ISBN 3659815454: Karthika Vadivel: Methyl Bromide and Ozone Depletion
- ISBN 9783659815454: Karthika Vadivel: Methyl Bromide and Ozone Depletion
- ISBN 3659815462: Saurabh Sharma: Investigation of drugs for breast cancer : An Experimental Insight
- ISBN 9783659815461: Saurabh Sharma: Investigation of drugs for breast cancer : An Experimental Insight
- ISBN 9783659815478: Prioritetnye napravleniya povysheniya jeffektivnosti IKS
- ISBN 3659815489: Waleed Elsanhoury: Physical And Kinematical Studies On Moving Stellar Clusters
- ISBN 9783659815485: Waleed Elsanhoury: Physical And Kinematical Studies On Moving Stellar Clusters
- ISBN 9783659815492: Vladislav Busyrev: Potencial'nye vozmozhnosti racional'nogo osvoeniya mestorozhdenij
- ISBN 9783659815508: Muniyandi Deivam: Responses to Challenges in Education
- ISBN 3659815527: Jyotsana Tanwar: Handbook on Periodontal Regenerative Materials
- ISBN 9783659815522: Jyotsana Tanwar: Handbook on Periodontal Regenerative Materials
- ISBN 9783659815539: John Onyido: Dr. Yvoune Kara Petrie versus Virginia Board Of Medicine
- ISBN 3659815543: Sanjaykumar Gowre: All-Glass Photonic Crystal Geometry for Telecom & Sensor Applications
- ISBN 9783659815546: Sanjaykumar Gowre: All-Glass Photonic Crystal Geometry for Telecom & Sensor Applications
- ISBN 3659815551: Paula Camelia Trandafir: Optimal Experimental Designs for Pharmacokinetic Models
- ISBN 9783659815553: Paula Camelia Trandafir: Optimal Experimental Designs for Pharmacokinetic Models
- ISBN 365981556X: Lawrence Kabuthi Kabinga: Life Skills
- ISBN 9783659815560: Lawrence Kabuthi Kabinga: Life Skills
- ISBN 9783659815577: Ust'qncew, Valerij: Strukturno-weschestwennoe preobrazowanie sistemy Zemli wolnoj änergii / Geoprocessy i dejstwuüschie faktory, otwetstwennye za generaciü mineralogicheskih associacij
- ISBN 3659815586: J. S. Parasana: Impacts of mixture of growing medias in Mango fruit nursery
- ISBN 9783659815584: J. S. Parasana: Impacts of mixture of growing medias in Mango fruit nursery
- ISBN 9783659815591: Sena ¿Ahini: Comedy of Manners and the Politics of Postwar British Drama
- ISBN 9783659815607: Kalpana Khurana: Environmental Optimization of Urban Green System
- ISBN 9783659815614: Rohit Patel: Synthesis and Biological Activity of Alkline Earth Metal Complexes
- ISBN 9783659815621: Proizvodstvennyj potencial agrarnogo sektora jekonomiki
- ISBN 9783659815638: Kirill Bolgow: Latinskij segment kul'tury Rannej Vizantii
- ISBN 3659815640: Sahar Mansour Ibrahim: Screening of Cervical Cell Changes Among Hormonal Contraceptives Users
- ISBN 9783659815645: Sahar Mansour Ibrahim: Screening of Cervical Cell Changes Among Hormonal Contraceptives Users
- ISBN 9783659815652: Sdacha listkow netrudosposobnosti FSS s ispol zowaniem sredstw Visual Studio
- ISBN 3659815667: King Kwabla Lumor: Utility Run Behavior Programs
- ISBN 9783659815669: King Kwabla Lumor: Utility Run Behavior Programs
- ISBN 9783659815676: Jerslin G. Muller: Critical Analysis of Teaching Learning Process of Physics in Schools
- ISBN 3659815683: Gopal Prasad Acharya: School Culture: Perception and Practices
- ISBN 9783659815683: Gopal Prasad Acharya: School Culture: Perception and Practices
- ISBN 3659815691: Mugambi Kiogora: Turning the Tide
- ISBN 9783659815690: Mugambi Kiogora: Turning the Tide
- ISBN 9783659815713: Marianna Rotilio: The multifunctional cycle route in the Aterno River Valley
- ISBN 3659815721: Mohanad Musadaq: Comparison Study of T-spline and NURBS in Modeling and Machining
- ISBN 9783659815720: Mohanad Musadaq: Comparison Study of T-spline and NURBS in Modeling and Machining
- ISBN 9783659815737: Famade Oladiran Afolayan: Open & Distance Education
- ISBN 9783659815744: Kanhu Charan Pattnayak: Indian Summer Monsoon Circulation in the Warming Atmosphere
- ISBN 9783659815751: Mattern, Kymberly: Mobilizing the German Woman: Conforming and Resisting to Nazi Ideology
- ISBN 3659815764: Chiedozie Okafor: Volunteerism in Nigeria: An empirical exploration of motivators
- ISBN 9783659815768: Chiedozie Okafor: Volunteerism in Nigeria: An empirical exploration of motivators
- ISBN 9783659815775: Abdelhadi Adel: Application of Neural Network for Pattren Recognition of Plants Leaves
- ISBN 9783659815782: Metodologiya ocenki programmnogo produkta
- ISBN 9783659815799: Jas Kirat Singh Ranjit Singh Uppal: Ortho - Perio Relationship
- ISBN 9783659815805: Nikhat Perveen: A Study on Dynamics Underlying Juvenile Delinquency
- ISBN 3659815810: Prohlad Roy: Impact of Education and Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
- ISBN 9783659815812: Prohlad Roy: Impact of Education and Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
- ISBN 3659815829: Viktor Ianchelenko: Artificial Intelligence in Motion Control of Road Transport
- ISBN 9783659815829: Viktor Ianchelenko: Artificial Intelligence in Motion Control of Road Transport
- ISBN 9783659815836: Evropeizaciya Rossii i formirovanie russkogo konservatizma
- ISBN 9783659815843: Alireza Lork: Integrirowannye sistemy uprawleniq stroitel'nyh komplexow: Obschaq organizacionno-tehnologicheskaq model' Sistemy integrirowannogo uprawleniq stroitel'stwom (SIUS)
- ISBN 3659815853: Marinka Bagdasarqn: Indukcionnyj preobrazowatel' toka
- ISBN 9783659815850: Marinka Bagdasarqn: Indukcionnyj preobrazowatel' toka
- ISBN 3659815861: Maii A. I. Maamoun: Phytochemical and Biological Investigation of Juniperus phoenicea L.
- ISBN 9783659815867: Maii A. I. Maamoun: Phytochemical and Biological Investigation of Juniperus phoenicea L.
- ISBN 9783659815874: Juma Mhina: Establishment of VICOBA for Household Income Improvement
- ISBN 9783659815881: Social naya neuspeshnost v podrostkovom vozraste: prichiny i korrekciya
- ISBN 3659815896: Crystal J. Davis: Leading From Within: The Spirituality of Servant Leadership
- ISBN 9783659815898: Crystal J. Davis: Leading From Within: The Spirituality of Servant Leadership
- ISBN 365981590X: Mary Miller: Nationalism, Identity, and Rhetoric in Bosnia-Herzegovina
- ISBN 9783659815904: Mary Miller: Nationalism, Identity, and Rhetoric in Bosnia-Herzegovina
- ISBN 9783659815928: Zakia Ali-Chand: Achieving proficiency in a second language
- ISBN 3659815934: Shervana Francois-Francis: Social Studies Book One
- ISBN 9783659815935: Shervana Francois-Francis: Social Studies Book One
- ISBN 3659815942: Anuarbek Ajmen: Ustojchiwoe razwitie agropromyshlennogo proizwodstwa
- ISBN 9783659815942: Anuarbek Ajmen: Ustojchiwoe razwitie agropromyshlennogo proizwodstwa
- ISBN 3659815950: Alexandra Alexandrowna Berezhnowa: Postroenie sistemy uprawleniq talantami w organizacii
- ISBN 9783659815959: Alexandra Alexandrowna Berezhnowa: Postroenie sistemy uprawleniq talantami w organizacii
- ISBN 9783659815966: Teleuli Leituaso-Mafoa: Teachers' Perceptions on the New Business Studies Curriculum in Samoa
- ISBN 3659815977: Midori Ito: Love or Concern?
- ISBN 9783659815973: Midori Ito: Love or Concern?
- ISBN 9783659815980: Lilibeth Al-Kofahy: The Lived Experience of PTSD as Described by MVA Victims in Jordan
- ISBN 9783659815997: Kiran Prajapati: Ecology of birds at green urban area