ISBN beginnend mit 9783659888
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659888007: Kevin Njeru: An Information Systems Driven Approach to Competitive Advantage
- ISBN 365988801X: Jerzhena Dorzhiewa: Innowacii w korporacii
- ISBN 9783659888014: Jerzhena Dorzhiewa: Innowacii w korporacii
- ISBN 9783659888021: Shahram Baikpour: Garmsar Salt Diapirism
- ISBN 9783659888038: Priyanka Chaudhari: Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- ISBN 3659888044: Sergej Aderihin: Boewoj put' woinskih soedinenij, sformirowannyh w Alma-Ate i oblasti
- ISBN 9783659888045: Sergej Aderihin: Boewoj put' woinskih soedinenij, sformirowannyh w Alma-Ate i oblasti
- ISBN 9783659888052: Sonika Jain: QSAR studies of histone deacetylase inhibitors
- ISBN 9783659888069: Dessalegn Berhanu Wagasa: All About Words on Procedure of Constitutional Interpretation: Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659888076: Transformaciya intellektual noj sobstvennosti
- ISBN 9783659888083: Ali Raja: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices (KAP): Problems of Measles Vaccination
- ISBN 9783659888090: Adeladun Stephen Ajala: Engineering Properties and Drying Kinetics of Food Materials
- ISBN 9783659888106: Miroshnichenko, Alexej Anatol'ewich: Psihologicheskoe zdorow'e uchastnikow obrazowatel'nyh otnoshenij / Monografiq
- ISBN 9783659888113: Seyyed Amir Abbas Ehterami: The Convergence & Divergence Between Human Rights & National Security
- ISBN 9783659888120: Rachel Cleverley: Photography, Memory and Identity
- ISBN 9783659888137: Meysam Ziaee: Industrial Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Processes
- ISBN 9783659888144: Duaa AL budairy: Performance of Multi-User Wireless System over QO-STFBC OFDMA
- ISBN 365988815X: Ladislav Schwartz: Structural Reliability of Communication Networks
- ISBN 9783659888151: Ladislav Schwartz: Structural Reliability of Communication Networks
- ISBN 9783659888168: Muhammad Khurram Waqas Asim Zubair: Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology
- ISBN 9783659888175: Arpan Acharya Rabindra Nath Misra Pratap N Mukhopadhyaya: HIV-1 Genome Variations: Molecular Study and Economical Solutions
- ISBN 9783659888182: Pandey, Vikas: Pioglitazone loaded SMEDDS: State of the Art
- ISBN 9783659888199: Sayed Lasheen: Cloud Computing Implementation for SOA of Telemetry System
- ISBN 9783659888205: Naresh Rout: Development and Resistance of Tribals in Orissa
- ISBN 3659888214: Xuan Hoan Vu: Processing of Biofeeds in Refineries
- ISBN 9783659888212: Xuan Hoan Vu: Processing of Biofeeds in Refineries
- ISBN 9783659888229: Funso Abdussalam: Appraisal of Firms Theory from Enviromental Factors Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659888236: Sudip Bhattacharya: Implementation of Global Monitoring Framework for NCDs in North India
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- ISBN 9783659888243: Mariq Vladimirowna Turowskaq: Kal'cij-zawisimye mehanizmy ustojchiwosti nejronow mozga k gipoxii
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- ISBN 9783659888465: Hegel Fernandes: Service Quality Analysis in the Five Stars Resort Hotels of Cape Verde
- ISBN 3659888478: Valerij Chepasow: Vychislenie ortogonal'nyh mnogochlenow cherez ih qwnye wyrazheniq
- ISBN 9783659888472: Valerij Chepasow: Vychislenie ortogonal'nyh mnogochlenow cherez ih qwnye wyrazheniq
- ISBN 9783659888489: Roman non-fikshn kak faktual nyj narrativ
- ISBN 9783659888496: Haitham Rabadi: Truss size and topology optimization using harmony search method
- ISBN 9783659888502: Maher Elsheikh: Isolation and Identifcation of Cellulolytic Bacteria From Environment
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- ISBN 9783659888526: Arnold Achancho: Parasitic Infections of Sheep and Goats and prospects for Tick control
- ISBN 9783659888533: Hussam Kloub: Capacitive MEMS for Power Generation
- ISBN 9783659888540: Filip Shen: Cross-market co-movements between the U.S. and the MIST countries
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- ISBN 9783659888564: Jie Gao Junhua Zhang: Space Organization and Characteristics of Ancient Pingyao in China
- ISBN 9783659888571: Yueting Hu Sujiang Wu: 2+1 Programme
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- ISBN 9783659888632: Pavithra M Krishnegowda: Metallic corrosion inhibition by organic molecules
- ISBN 9783659888649: Merry Goedert: Associations between Hyperopia and Other Refractive and Visual Errors
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- ISBN 9783659888731: Balasaheb Bawake: Exploitation:Comparative study of Indian Booker prize winner novels
- ISBN 9783659888748: Hafis Bello: Environmental Sanitation Practices in the Core of Ikorodu Lagos State
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- ISBN 9783659888991: Habtamu Bulti Besha: The Criminal Responsibility of an Owner of A Vehicle Transports Coffee