ISBN beginnend mit 9783659907
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659907005: Heriel Nguvava: Transaction Cost Determinants of Credit Governance Structures
- ISBN 9783659907012: Anil Kumar Sahdev: QSAR Based Approached: Significance and uses in Molecular Design
- ISBN 3659907022: Vqcheslaw Tihonow: Ocherki po istorii woennogo uprawleniq w Rossii äpohi Petra Velikogo
- ISBN 9783659907029: Vqcheslaw Tihonow: Ocherki po istorii woennogo uprawleniq w Rossii äpohi Petra Velikogo
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- ISBN 9783659907050: Pochemu Rossiya ne Evropa: novoe o russkom vizantizme
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- ISBN 3659907081: Parth Chhabria: Forensic Pedodontics
- ISBN 9783659907081: Parth Chhabria: Forensic Pedodontics
- ISBN 9783659907098: ANIL KUMAR Nikhil Mishra: Oxidative Stress Induced Genotoxicity in Sickle Cell Anemia
- ISBN 9783659907104: Barend Frederick Botma: Evaluation of the Retail Centre Market within Sol Plaatje Municipality
- ISBN 9783659907111: S. Mohammad S. Kolbadi: Applied Gas Pipelines Corrosion With ABAQUS Aplications
- ISBN 9783659907128: Muhammad Anser Bashir: Photovoltaic Modules: Outdoor Performance Measurements
- ISBN 9783659907135: Federico Caiulo: Mobile Game Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
- ISBN 9783659907142: Asset Izatov: Russian Economy During Oil Price Slump
- ISBN 9783659907166: Artöm Kolosow: Iskusstwennaq zhizn' na primere sowremennogo izobrazitel'nogo iskusstwa
- ISBN 9783659907173: B. Venugopal: Environment Management & Disclosure Practices
- ISBN 9783659907180: Mohammed Dakhil: Population dynamics and nutrient cycling of Pistia stratiotes L
- ISBN 9783659907197: Ibrahim Magara: Transitional justice and reconciliation in Kenya
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- ISBN 9783659907227: M.A. Sholohov i drugie. Literaturnaya jelita i rossijskaya politika
- ISBN 9783659907234: Ekaterina Rubatskaya: Gamification of non-gaming products to drive engagement with brand
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- ISBN 9783659907258: Vvedenie v teoriju generatorov psevdosluchajnyh chisel
- ISBN 9783659907265: Cachelet Paul: Performance evaluation of ice resistant jacket with ice breaking cone
- ISBN 9783659907272: Ibrahim Yusuf: Implication on child labour on girl child education: An Appraisal
- ISBN 9783659907289: Fabio Luciani: Medical Waste Management in Dentistry through Enzyme Fuel Cells
- ISBN 9783659907296: Problemy podtopleniya i zatopleniya selitebnyh territorij
- ISBN 9783659907302: Katarzyna Tobór-Osadnik: Selected sources of crisis and repair ideas for polish coal mines
- ISBN 9783659907326: Alexandr Shhekoturow: Konstruirowanie podrostkami wirtual'noj gendernoj identichnosti
- ISBN 9783659907333: Logisticheskaya koncepciya upravleniya agropromyshlennym komplexom regiona
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- ISBN 9783659907357: Roopesh Kaushik: Evaluating Education System in India
- ISBN 9783659907364: Babita Majhi: Computational Intelligence Techniques for Direct and Inverse Modelling
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- ISBN 9783659907401: Nikita Khillon: Cleft lip and cleft Palate - An orthodontist perspective
- ISBN 9783659907418: Shivani Bhardwaj: Environmental Impact Assessment: Economic, Health and Disposal Issues
- ISBN 9783659907425: Halimah Hannah Nambusi: The Sublime in the Imagery of Solomon¿s Song of Songs
- ISBN 9783659907432: Prarthan Mehta: Comparative Study of Various Algorithms for Speech Synthesis System
- ISBN 9783659907449: Sandeep Soni: Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Surface Runoff
- ISBN 9783659907456: Asrani Lit: Performance Optimization in Network-on-Chip
- ISBN 9783659907463: Kuldeep Singh Patel: Synthesis & Characterization of Coumarin based antimalarial agents
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- ISBN 9783659907494: K. Naveen Kumar: Transition Metal Ions Doped Blended Polymer Composites
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- ISBN 9783659907517: Elvis Abwe: The portrayal of Africa by Western media organizations
- ISBN 9783659907524: R. S. Bhoopal: Effective Thermal Conductivity of HDPE/Bronze
- ISBN 9783659907531: Vozdejstviya okruzhajushhej sredy na zdorov e cheloveka
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- ISBN 9783659907609: Sikander Ali: Production of serine protease from sporotrichum thermophile
- ISBN 9783659907623: Sergej Kurganskij: Faktory inflqcii i obmennogo kursa rublq w Rossii w 2016g.
- ISBN 9783659907630: Punita Ladani: Economic & Emission Constrained Load Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm
- ISBN 9783659907647: Alexandr Kapustin: Sistema regulirowaniq naprqzheniq na osnowe iskusstwennogo intellekta
- ISBN 3659907650: Maxim Grishin: Fiziko-himicheskie swojstwa nanesennyh nanochastic
- ISBN 9783659907654: Maxim Grishin: Fiziko-himicheskie swojstwa nanesennyh nanochastic
- ISBN 9783659907661: Sumit Thakur: Next Generation Cruise
- ISBN 9783659907678: Amol Tated: Make supply meet demand in uncertain world
- ISBN 9783659907685: Jekologicheskaq bezopasnost': qdernaq i radiacionnaq (Moskowskij region)
- ISBN 9783659907692: Islam Fayed: Trunk control and Ventilatory function in stroke
- ISBN 3659907707: Dhanasekaran Sihivahanan: DENTIN REGENERATION
- ISBN 9783659907708: Dhanasekaran Sihivahanan: DENTIN REGENERATION
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- ISBN 9783659907715: Abdullayeva Durdona Sodiq Qizi: Development of National Tourism in Uzbekistan
- ISBN 9783659907722: Tahemina Shaikh: Attitude of Students towards Homework
- ISBN 9783659907746: Bwanika Joseph: The relationship between drug abuse and behaviour among the Youth
- ISBN 9783659907753: Roberta Nanci: The role of public participation for improving flood risk management
- ISBN 9783659907760: Rochelle March: Greening GDP: Overcoming Challenges in Natural Capital Accounting
- ISBN 9783659907777: M. Purushothama Reddy: Cooperative Dairies their Impact on Economic Development of Farmers
- ISBN 9783659907784: Mohamed Deyab: Corrosion Problems in Batteries and Full cells
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- ISBN 9783659907838: Georgij Sechko (red.: Logicheskoe programmirowanie i iskusstwennyj intellekt
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- ISBN 9783659907944: Jonathan Dator: The Impact of LHON on the Family System
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