ISBN beginnend mit 9783659923
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659923005: Parisa Yeganehpour: The Effect Of Different Kinds Of Ice-Breakers On Students' Speaking
- ISBN 9783659923012: Manju Singh Deependra Singh: Inflammatory bowel disease and its treatment strategies
- ISBN 9783659923029: Valeriq Krasil'nikowa: Nalogowoe stimulirowanie inwesticionnoj deqtel'nosti
- ISBN 9783659923036: Mulugeta Ayalew: Chicken Brooders Book: Tested Indigenous to modern to be used
- ISBN 9783659923043: Uprawlenie wysshim i srednim obrazowaniem
- ISBN 9783659923050: Talath Fatima: Personalized Medicine Concept in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Therapy
- ISBN 9783659923067: Lingvisticheskij naturalizm XIX veka: sopostavitel'nyj aspekt
- ISBN 9783659923074: Itrat Fatima: Phytochemical Investigations on Constituents of Medicinal Plants
- ISBN 9783659923081: Christopher Munguma: Civil enforcement of trademark rights in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783659923098: Anna Polqnina: Issledowanie mqsa pticy na nalichie bakterij roda Campylobacter
- ISBN 9783659923104: Indra Mani Shrestha: My Journey of Learning and Teaching
- ISBN 9783659923111: Ahmed Abumossalam: Overture on Pneumoscopy
- ISBN 9783659923128: Rahul Yadav: A Hybrid Cryptography Technique for Improving Network Security
- ISBN 3659923133: I¿¿l Köylü: Mit-Edebiyat ¿li¿kisi
- ISBN 9783659923135: I¿¿l Köylü: Mit-Edebiyat ¿li¿kisi
- ISBN 9783659923142: Ravi Kumar: Impact of flexible work practices on job quality - an empirical study
- ISBN 9783659923159: Marjan Petreski Blagica Petreski: Migration as social protection
- ISBN 9783659923166: Mahmoud Ordudari: Amazing Stories
- ISBN 9783659923173: Patrick Kwoba: The Dynamics of Cultural Tourism Development
- ISBN 9783659923180: Modelirovanie processov obrabotki mul timedijnyh mediaresursov
- ISBN 9783659923197: Abbas Mahde Abd: Visualization of Construction Projects using BIM
- ISBN 9783659923203: Abdelmajid Snouber, Ahmed Saidi, Yamina Raho: Environmental Risk on the Respiratory Health in the Arzew region
- ISBN 9783659923210: Mansoor Mohamed Fazil: Norway & Japan in Peace Negotiations in Sri Lankan Ethnic Conflict
- ISBN 9783659923227: Amudhambigai Balasubramanian: Smooth Fuzzy Topological Spaces
- ISBN 9783659923234: Giovanni Alcocer: Effect of the Gravity on the Sagging Breasts of Women
- ISBN 9783659923241: Sanaa A. Kenawy Tamer A. Gheita Heba A. Gheita: Red Blood Cells
- ISBN 9783659923258: Tarek Salem: Performance analysis of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks
- ISBN 9783659923265: Umar Ali: Capacity Enhancement of a MIMO System Using Water-Filling Strategy
- ISBN 9783659923272: Asrani Lit: Real Time Face Recognition System
- ISBN 9783659923289: Sumy Mathew Jobi Babu: Perceived Social Support and Stress among Pregnant Women
- ISBN 9783659923296: Vinod Kumar Singh: Ultra Wide Band Wereable Textile Antenna for Multi Band Application
- ISBN 9783659923302: Farrukh I. Nazir: Project Stakeholder Management
- ISBN 9783659923319: Bernard Itebiye: Environmental Crisis In Niger Delta: Re-interpreting Subdue & Dominate
- ISBN 9783659923326: Jurij Efremov: Gimalai
- ISBN 9783659923333: Gulab R. Shaikh Digambar M. Padulkar: Twitter Topic Summarization
- ISBN 9783659923340: Amit Agarwal: Equalization techniques for Vehicular Wireless Channels
- ISBN 9783659923357: Narendrasinh C. Rana: Design & Implementation of Space Vector Pulse
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- ISBN 9783659923364: Chander Mehta: Stability of Compressible Couple-Stress Fluid
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- ISBN 9783659923388: Charles Wagner: Glued to the Sofa
- ISBN 9783659923395: Chhavi Sharma: Development of Modern Analytical Methods from Umbelliferous fruits
- ISBN 9783659923401: Sadiq Abdulkarim Sheik Rasheed Noori: Content Delivery Network: Architecture and Load Balancing Algorithm
- ISBN 9783659923418: Badrie ELDaou: Improving Students' English Persuasive Writing: A pilot Study
- ISBN 9783659923425: Tulika Sood: Customer Perceived Service Quality & Perceived Value in Life Insurance
- ISBN 9783659923432: Parashram Patil: Dynamics of Indian Cashew Economy
- ISBN 9783659923449: Ritu Sharma: Quest For Identity: Amitav Ghosh's The Glass Palace & The Hungry Tide
- ISBN 9783659923456: Monica Khanna Jhalani: Re-Visioning Mythology in Indian Literature
- ISBN 9783659923463: Samwel Opar: Water Application Uniformity by Low Head Drip Irrigation Systems
- ISBN 9783659923470: K. Gaya Lakshmi: Emotional Maturity and Life Satisfaction of Students College Education
- ISBN 3659923486: Mohamed N¿fah-Alie Conteh: History of the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone 1961 ¿ 2010
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- ISBN 9783659923494: Magdaline Eljeeva Emerald Franklin: Modeling Heat & Mass Transfer during Deep-Fat Frying
- ISBN 3659923508: Alla Kozlowa: Pochwy lesnyh landshaftow Juzhnogo Predbajkal'q
- ISBN 9783659923517: Madhavi Singh: Osseointegration in Dental Implants
- ISBN 9783659923524: B. Dinesh: Pollen Biology of Food Plants of Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta,D
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- ISBN 9783659923562: V. Bhanuprakash: Immune-Thermal Crosstalk in Cattle
- ISBN 9783659923579: Filipa Mendonca: Intravenous Therapies within Care Home Setting
- ISBN 9783659923586: Pisateli i vlastiteli: Ocherki jepistolyarnogo obshheniya. Sbornik statej
- ISBN 9783659923593: Areej A. Najm: Cephalometric Study of Sella Turcica in Patients with Malposed Canine
- ISBN 9783659923609: Grazhdansko-pravovoe dostoinstvovedenie: voprosy istorii i teorii
- ISBN 9783659923616: Mustafa Solmaz: Türkler ve Etrüskler
- ISBN 9783659923623: Jexport syr evyh resursov Rossii: jekonomika i regulirovanie
- ISBN 9783659923630: Mutonyi Gerald: Private security guards' job retention determinants in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659923647: Idei nacional-bol'shewizma w gosudarstwennoj politike SSSR 1917-1953 gg
- ISBN 9783659923661: Mohamed Yehia: Remote Fire Fighter
- ISBN 9783659923678: Rawand Sabah Ahmad: A Contrastive Analysis of Stress in English and Kurdish
- ISBN 9783659923685: Bibekananda Sundaray: Electrical properties of carbon nanotube filled electrospun fibers
- ISBN 9783659923692: Irina Kupreewa: Stomatologicheskij status bol'nyh bronhial'noj astmoj
- ISBN 9783659923708: Anatolij Eretik: Stihi i stishata
- ISBN 9783659923715: Amir Ghatefar: Advances in Bridge Technology: Time-Dependent Performance
- ISBN 9783659923722: Morfologicheskie i molekulyarnye kriterii prognoza raka anal nogo kanala
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- ISBN 9783659923739: Omar Abdel-Kareem: Fungal Deterioration of Textiles and Approaches for Their Preservation
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- ISBN 9783659923753: Maha Laxmi Pradhananga Som Raj Shrestha: Utilization of Milk Byproduct (Buttermilk) in the Making of Chhurpi
- ISBN 9783659923760: Anna Yushtina: Ontology-based Data Extraction in the Scholarship-Related Content
- ISBN 9783659923777: Lubna Gabralla: Crude Oil Price Forecasting Using Machine Learning
- ISBN 9783659923784: Md. Amdad Hossan: Productive Use of Renewable Energy Technology:Evidence from Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783659923869: Lana Korteleci: Prosnut'sq ital'qnkoj
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- ISBN 9783659923890: Praktiki potrebleniq w uslowiqh informacionnoj otkrytosti wuzow
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- ISBN 9783659923906: Abubakar Dahiru: Post Remediation Assessment of trace elements Level in Dareta,Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659923913: Ojo Adebiyi Vincent: Fertilizer nutrients use by sago palm in peat and mineral soils
- ISBN 9783659923920: Laeticia Tshipama: Challenges young female entrepreneurs face
- ISBN 9783659923937: Christine Ooko: Quality of Customer Service in Kenya: Aspects and Contributions
- ISBN 9783659923944: Eliud Michura: Reinventing Sustainable Environment Beyond 21st Centuary
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- ISBN 9783659923975: Vladimir Bystrov: Computer Simulation Nanostructures: Bioferroelectric Peptide Nanotubes
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- ISBN 9783659923999: Hossein Ghader: Pictorial Presentation and Vocabulary Retention