ISBN beginnend mit 9783659924
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659924002: Sandhya Vincent Neelamkavil: Premna latifolia: a promising antiviral herb
- ISBN 9783659924019: Jawwad Aleem: Evaluation of EIA system in UK and Pakistan
- ISBN 9783659924026: Bhagyashree Kohale: Role of Neutrophils in Periodontal Disease
- ISBN 9783659924033: Parvinder Singh: Designing of low cost patient monitoring device
- ISBN 9783659924040: R. Jeyanthi: Job Stress and Class Room Management
- ISBN 9783659924057: Nipun Goyal: Advertisement Skepticism and its Related Concepts
- ISBN 9783659924064: P. P. Goswami S Chandrasekar: Bicistronic construct:A prophylactic weapon against paratuberculosis
- ISBN 9783659924071: Samoupravlenie grazhdan v zhilishhnoj sfere
- ISBN 9783659924088: Sarath Thomas Chamakalayil: An Assessment on the Causes of High Suicidal Instances of Kerala State
- ISBN 9783659924095: Ahmed Zain: Pressure Vessels Classification,Application Design,Erection&Inspect
- ISBN 9783659924101: Mayuri A. Borad: Mono, di, tri and tetra spiro heterocyclic compounds: Recent advances
- ISBN 9783659924118: Enas Elbarbary: The Blind Assistant
- ISBN 9783659924125: Vijayalaya Srinivas S. Subramanian: Re-venture Intentions
- ISBN 9783659924132: Mubina Zaidy: Renewable Energy Efficient Lighting System for Buildings
- ISBN 9783659924149: Mohammad Ilyas Khan: Air Entrainment in Thin Liquid Film Coating Operations
- ISBN 9783659924156: Informacionnaya sistema ocenki kompetencij sotrudnikov municipaliteta
- ISBN 9783659924163: Saya Sone: Mapping Agile Practices to Project Management Challenges
- ISBN 9783659924170: Vladimir Romanenko: Theory-oriented curriculum at the tertiary level
- ISBN 9783659924187: Jitesh D. Chauhan: Simulation & Analysis of Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH)
- ISBN 9783659924194: Chaboba Mkangwa: Phosphate rock and tephrosia fallow productivity on maize yields
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- ISBN 9783659924224: Majid Peyravi: Investigation on Solvent Resistant Nanofiltration Membranes Generation
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- ISBN 9783659924293: Mohamed Farid: Biochemical Studies on Moringa Oleifera
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- ISBN 9783659924590: Ashley Hay: Housing in South Africa: Policy Implementation vs. Municipal Capacity
- ISBN 9783659924613: Adem Sreedhar: Studies on Sputtered Silver Copper Oxide and Copper Nickel Oxide Films
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- ISBN 9783659924644: Oleg Mosin: Deuterium, heavy water and origin of life
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- ISBN 9783659924675: Ahmed Bakheet: Malaria Infection and it's Relationship to ABO Blood Grouping in Sudan
- ISBN 9783659924682: Md. Irfan Ahmad Ansari: Computer Fundamentals and Applications
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- ISBN 9783659924729: Entela Treska: The Impact of Zinc and Zinc-Enzyme Changes during Pregnancy
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- ISBN 9783659924897: Yasser Hussein Eissa: Isolation and Characterization of Tannic Acid Hydrolyzing Bacteria
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