ISBN beginnend mit 9783659935
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659935008: Hritwick Banerjee: Frequency Dependent Shape Transition in MicroConfined Biological Cells
- ISBN 9783659935015: Girija Phadke: An Approach to Edible and Biodegradable Protein Coating on Frozen Fish
- ISBN 9783659935039: Eunice Mukolwe: Interpersonal Conflict and Hotel Performance. A Cause Effect Analysis
- ISBN 9783659935046: Mirza Muhammad Bin Saleh Baig: Disease Characteristics of HER-2/neu Positive Breast Cancer
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- ISBN 9783659935060: Proektirovanie konstrukcij gusenichnyh dvizhitelej
- ISBN 3659935077: Abdullahi Muhammad: Removal of free fatty in neem oil using diphenylamine magnetic mesopor
- ISBN 9783659935077: Abdullahi Muhammad: Removal of free fatty in neem oil using diphenylamine magnetic mesopor
- ISBN 9783659935084: Dragan Obradovic: Discovering the perpetrators of crimes against road traffic safety
- ISBN 9783659935091: K. Chandra Shekar: Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics of Epoxy Matrix Composites
- ISBN 9783659935107: William Senfuma: Meta Learning for Selection of Best Causal Discovery Algorithms
- ISBN 3659935115: Israa H. Hamzah: Cytogenetic and molecular study among Hodgkin¿s lymphoma patients
- ISBN 9783659935114: Israa H. Hamzah: Cytogenetic and molecular study among Hodgkin¿s lymphoma patients
- ISBN 3659935123: Kirill Elohin: Vvedenie v geral'diku inkov Kolonial'nogo perioda (XVI¿XVIII vekov)
- ISBN 9783659935121: Kirill Elohin: Vvedenie v geral'diku inkov Kolonial'nogo perioda (XVI¿XVIII vekov)
- ISBN 9783659935138: Pham Hoang Tu Linh Nguyen Thanh Minh: East Sea nowadays: Policies, Mechanisms and Legislations
- ISBN 9783659935145: Orsetta Chichinato: Towards an European Renewable Energy Policy
- ISBN 9783659935152: Alili Ngozi: Criminal Liability Of Mentally Abnormal Persons
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- ISBN 9783659935220: Esraa Hamdy: Environmental Gasoline Blends by Using Oxygenated Compounds
- ISBN 9783659935237: Doha Mothefer: Some Properties of Fiber Reinforced Foamed Concrete
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- ISBN 9783659935268: Satuluri Srikiran: Nano Graphite Powders As Lubricant Under Variable Machining Condition
- ISBN 9783659935275: Su Mon Myint: Loss Reduction and Voltage Improvement by Network Reconfiguration
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- ISBN 9783659935312: Amitava Roy: Effect of dietary lipid source on performance & FA profile in chevon
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- ISBN 9783659935381: Timothy Akpomie: Modeling and Simulating Pollution Indices in Some Nigerian Cities
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- ISBN 9783659935510: Martin Tasev: The Crime of Aggression and Domestic Legal Orders: Reviewing Kampala
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- ISBN 9783659935527: A. GuruSampath Kumar: Investigation of nano CdZnO thin films & study the SHI irradiation
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- ISBN 9783659935558: Val Monfort: Impact of marketing communication in tourist destination
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- ISBN 9783659935596: Mohammed Tinab: Role of Traditional authorities in Ethnic Conflict Management
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- ISBN 9783659935626: Om Prakash Dubey: Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Inclusive of Learning Strategy
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