ISBN beginnend mit 9783659977
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659977004: Mohammed S. Assiri: Test-taking Strategy Use on the Reading Section of the TOEFL iBT
- ISBN 9783659977008: Mohammed S. Assiri: Test-taking Strategy Use on the Reading Section of the TOEFL iBT
- ISBN 9783659977015: Shivanand Madolappa: Dielectric and magnetic properties of co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics
- ISBN 9783659977022: Amit Kumar: Yield and Quality Improvement in Okra(Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moenc)
- ISBN 9783659977039: Aamir Al Mosawi: Berry-Treacher Collins syndrome
- ISBN 9783659977046: Boris Basok: Mehanizmy teplofizicheskoj neustojchiwosti
- ISBN 9783659977053: Cennostno-arhetipicheskij komplex
- ISBN 9783659977060: Suman Sharma Manoj Kumar J.P. Lakhera: Role of Women in Cattle Management in Arid Region of Rajasthan
- ISBN 9783659977077: Daniel Nigussie Tolosa: The Human Rights Protection of Cartelists during the Course of Investigation by the European Commission
- ISBN 9783659977084: Tessa Woods: College Athletes and Aging
- ISBN 9783659977091: Dan Chicea: Simple Techniques for Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization
- ISBN 3659977101: Alexandr Viktorowich Dqtlow: Administratiwno-prawowoe regulirowanie ohrany obschestwennogo porqdka
- ISBN 9783659977107: Alexandr Viktorowich Dqtlow: Administratiwno-prawowoe regulirowanie ohrany obschestwennogo porqdka
- ISBN 9783659977114: Fethi Maiz: Quantum Mechanics I
- ISBN 9783659977121: Abdulafeez Oyekan: Reservoir Modeling Using Seismic Attributes and Well Log Analysis
- ISBN 9783659977138: Fikregenet Getachew Abebe: Assesment of Performance Appraisal Practice in United Bank S.C.
- ISBN 3659977144: Nelli Sedowa: Virtual'naq i dopolnennaq real'nost' w sudowozhdenii
- ISBN 9783659977145: Nelli Sedowa: Virtual'naq i dopolnennaq real'nost' w sudowozhdenii
- ISBN 9783659977152: Kuinileti Lauina Faamatuainu: Thematic Teaching in a Barbadian Nursery School
- ISBN 9783659977169: Godson D silva Vinayak Bharadi: Online Signature Recognition using Software as a Service Architecture
- ISBN 3659977179: S. Justus: Knowledge based Software Process Improvement
- ISBN 9783659977176: S. Justus: Knowledge based Software Process Improvement
- ISBN 9783659977183: Nasre, Rupesh: Scaling Context-Sensitive Points-to Analysis | Novel ideas to tame the scalability challenges | Rupesh Nasre | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 212 S. | Englisch | 2016 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- ISBN 9783659977190: Suniya Taimour: Conservation of Kampong Ayer as a Living Heritage under Brunei Law
- ISBN 9783659977206: Louis Wagner: Financial Liberalization, Entrepreneurial risk and Equity risk premia
- ISBN 9783659977213: Mihail Kuznecov: Tehnologii distance-learning v perepodgotovke bezrabotnyh grazhdan
- ISBN 9783659977220: Devina Pradhan: The key for a successful Dental Practice
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- ISBN 9783659977244: Modelirovanie i optimizaciya bol shih sistem v potokovom predstavlenii
- ISBN 9783659977251: Federica Sibella: Methodology for space localization of surgical instruments
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- ISBN 9783659977275: Kamala Kanta Bori: A Critical Handbook for the Karbi Paremiology
- ISBN 3659977284: Jiyaul Mustafa: Machine Learning Applications in Mechanical Engineering
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- ISBN 9783659977534: Reza Farzaneh: Kimlik Dogrulamada Yeni Bir Yaklas m
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- ISBN 9783659977558: Giri Raj Sharma: Local Curriculum: Perception and Practice
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- ISBN 9783659977572: Bahareh Inanloo: A Transportation Network Assessment Tool for Hazardous Material Cargos
- ISBN 9783659977589: Lucille Gouteraux: Has the BBC managed to preserve its "Golden Standard" values ?
- ISBN 9783659977596: Timofej Nad'kin: Mordowiq w period forsirowannoj modernizacii sowetskogo obschestwa
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- ISBN 9783659977626: Dilli Ram Sharma: Use of pesticides in Vegetable crops and its Impact on Human Health
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- ISBN 9783659977992: Samar, Maleeha: The Impact of Window Displays on Consumer Buying Behaviour | Maleeha Samar | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 84 S. | Englisch | 2016 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | EAN 9783659977992