ISBN beginnend mit 9783843376
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783843376006: Poonam Kulyal: Chemical Constituents Isolated from Andrographis paniculata
- ISBN 9783843376013: Ashutosh Jain: Modeling the Role of Deformation Twinning in Mg Alloy AZ31B
- ISBN 3843376026: Jalindar Gat: Complete Arithmetic Coding
- ISBN 9783843376020: Jalindar Gat: Complete Arithmetic Coding
- ISBN 9783843376037: Javier Pacheco-Raguz: Mass transit effects on urban land changes
- ISBN 9783843376044: Schellack, Natalie: An Assessment of the Need for Pharmaceutical Care in an NICU in SA
- ISBN 9783843376051: SHIVPRASAD MAJUMDAR Dr. Kala Suhas Kulkarni: Semecarpus anacardium
- ISBN 9783843376068: Ricardo Santa: System and Operational Effectiveness
- ISBN 3843376077: Cush Ngonzo Luwesi: Hydro-economic inventory in a changing environment
- ISBN 9783843376075: Cush Ngonzo Luwesi: Hydro-economic inventory in a changing environment
- ISBN 9783843376082: Anthony M. Wanjohi: Sustainability of Community Based Projects in Developing Countries
- ISBN 9783843376099: Iwu-Egwuonwu, Ronald Chibuike: Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
- ISBN 3843376107: Rare¿ H¿lbac-Cotoar¿-Zamfir: Romania''s Western part (Timi¿ County) facing climatic changes
- ISBN 9783843376105: Rare¿ H¿lbac-Cotoar¿-Zamfir: Romania''s Western part (Timi¿ County) facing climatic changes
- ISBN 9783843376112: Ashish Makwana: WTO, GATS and Indian Higher Education
- ISBN 9783843376136: Zain Sharar: Corporate Governance in Jordan and Australia
- ISBN 384337614X: Sorabh Jain: Management of Medically Compromised Patients in Prosthodontics
- ISBN 9783843376143: Sorabh Jain: Management of Medically Compromised Patients in Prosthodontics
- ISBN 9783843376150: Hugh Wenban-Smith: Scale economies and spatial costs in urban water supply
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- ISBN 9783843376181: Nasir Mohamad Rusli Ismail: Methadone Maintenance Therapy: Does Dose Matter?
- ISBN 9783843376198: Atul Pathak Kailash C. Gupta: Cationic Polymers based Non-viral Gene Carriers
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- ISBN 9783843376211: Natalie Lavrova: English Up to Par
- ISBN 9783843376228: Hassan Khalfan: Constraints in Managing Community Secondary schools in Tanzania
- ISBN 9783843376235: John Bosco Isunju: Factors associated with occurrence of bacterial waterborne diseases
- ISBN 9783843376242: Mpawenimana Abdallah Saidi: The Summing up of Genocidal Violence in Burundi
- ISBN 9783843376259: PONGSATHORN CHOTIKASEMSRI: Computational Prediction of Aggregated Structure of Denatured Lysozyme
- ISBN 9783843376266: Wisam Al-Rawi: MARCILAN - The Beginning
- ISBN 9783843376273: Donald Oxford York: The Respiratory Therapist
- ISBN 9783843376280: Soror, Sameh: From Genome Sequence to Enzyme activity | Novel Enzyme Activity | Sameh Soror | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 148 S. | Englisch | 2010 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | EAN 9783843376280
- ISBN 9783843376297: Lourdel Twinomugisha: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE
- ISBN 9783843376303: Tyler W. Garaas: Real-Time Low-Level Active Robotic Vision
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- ISBN 9783843376334: Elikana Ngogo: Design of ICT Procurement Process Model for Secondary Schools Tanzania
- ISBN 9783843376341: Matassoni Terry: Revisting the urban vision. by Terry Matassoni
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- ISBN 9783843376365: Leanne Baker: Sustainable Aboriginal Tourism Enterprise Development in Australia
- ISBN 9783843376372: Kiran Lamichhane: Path towards enhancing environmental sustainability
- ISBN 9783843376389: Saher Al-Sabbah: Multiple Intelligence and Assessment Styles of MIDAS Scale
- ISBN 9783843376396: Pillai N., Vijayamohanan: Econometrics of Electricity Demand: Questioning the Tradition
- ISBN 9783843376402: Abu Hasanat Mohammad Kishowar Hossain: Maternal Health Services in Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783843376426: Shifeng CHEN: Labeling Problems with Smoothness-Based Priors in Computer Vision
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- ISBN 9783843376471: Fang Liu: Artificial Financial Market
- ISBN 9783843376488: Bijan Dash: Molecular Analysis of Escherichia coli strains
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- ISBN 9783843376525: Ozcelik, Derya: PRESENTING THE OUTCOMES OF A PARTICIPATORY USER WORKSHOP | A DESIGN RESOURCE BASED ON THE CASE OF TV REMOTE CONTROLS | Derya Ozcelik | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 200 S. | Englisch | 2010
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- ISBN 9783843376549: Martin Kochol: Flows in Graphs and Related Problems
- ISBN 9783843376556: Yabei Zhang: Finding out the Killer in the Kitchen
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- ISBN 9783843376587: Zahra Alemipour: Carbon Nanotubes
- ISBN 9783843376594: Irem Uestuensoez: The Legal Status and the Self-Images of Translators in Turkey
- ISBN 9783843376600: Nobuto Takeuchi: Evolutionary Dynamics of RNA-like Replicators
- ISBN 9783843376617: Mikel Egaña Aranguren: Role and application of Ontology Design Patterns in bio-ontologies
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- ISBN 9783843376631: Marketingovaya Politika Upravleniya Sanatorno-Kurortnym Predpriyatiem
- ISBN 9783843376648: Meghna Manaktala: Nationalist Constructions and the Enactment of Violence
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- ISBN 9783843376679: Dario Borovic: European Union Pre-Accession Funding in Croatia
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- ISBN 9783843376716: Nasir Mohamad Rusli Ismail Al-Hilmi Saim: Acute Pain Management
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