ISBN beginnend mit 9783845442
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783845442006: Arinola Wuraola: Education as a Rehabilitation Tool on Child Soldier Victims in Africa
- ISBN 9783845442013: Changhui hu Patrick Yin Chiang: Energy-Efficient, Short-Range Ultra-Wideband Radio Transceivers
- ISBN 9783845442020: Howard Zhenhao Zeng: What the School Administrators Perceive and View Physical Education
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- ISBN 9783845442051: Janette McDougall: Social Support and Health in Youth
- ISBN 9783845442068: Gailliot, Matthew: Glycogen and Executive Functioning / Research
- ISBN 9783845442075: Khor Heng Wei: Attempts to transfect the prion protein in human cancer cell lines
- ISBN 9783845442082: Xin Yi: Aging Population and Pension System Reform in China
- ISBN 9783845442099: Shah, Shreeraj H.: Formulation and Evaluation of Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System
- ISBN 9783845442105: Azat Salawatowich Hismatullin: Issledowanie teploperenosa w zhidkosti s gazowymi puzyr'kami
- ISBN 9783845442112: Dilwar Choudhury: Selection of wheat genotypes grown under residual soil moisture
- ISBN 9783845442129: Elizabeth Tomsich: Perceptions of Female Intra-Sex Competition and Related Gender Beliefs
- ISBN 9783845442136: Vysokovyazkie Nefti
- ISBN 9783845442143: Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib Abdelaziz Dawidar Ahmed Mubarak: Natural Products Chemistry
- ISBN 9783845442150: Muhammad Mehboob Alam: Factor Effecting Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783845442174: Manjit Pathak: Half-metallic CrO2 thin films for spintronic applications
- ISBN 9783845442181: Vinesh Kumar K. V.: Trends in Production and Productivity of Handloom Industry in Kannur
- ISBN 9783845442198: Guddeti Jagadeeswar Reddy: Enhancement of Image Compression and Denoising by Curvelet Transform
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- ISBN 9783845442211: A. K, Thiruvenkadan: Genetics of coat colour in horses
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- ISBN 9783845442235: Ginpreet Kaur: "Curcumin: A potential drug candidate"
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- ISBN 9783845442259: Anna Egorenko: Specifika formirowaniq chelowecheskogo kapitala w nacional'noj äkonomike
- ISBN 9783845442266: Fervent Ighalo: Mathematical optimisation: Design of optimal micro heat sinks
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- ISBN 9783845442273: Vladimir Puzanow: Russkaq woennaq politika i kolonizaciq Zapadnoj Sibiri.
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- ISBN 9783845442303: Emmanuel Mwakiwa: Urban Agriculture
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- ISBN 9783845442488: Mohamed Hemida Abd-Alla: Progress in phytopathogenic bacteria
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- ISBN 9783845442525: Handsen Tibugari: Resistance Status of Cotton Pests in the Era of Zimbabwe Land Reform
- ISBN 9783845442532: Nilkanth Kulkarni: Numerical Experiments on Solute Transport in Ground Water Flow Systems
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- ISBN 9783845442556: Salma Jan: Role of Language in Teaching & Learning of Mathematical Word Problems
- ISBN 9783845442563: Simon Kizito Abwooli Yabezi Banana: Consumer Satisfaction With Wooden Furniture
- ISBN 9783845442570: Analiz Litologicheskoy Neodnorodnosti Neftegazonosnykh Otlozheniy
- ISBN 9783845442587: Evans P. Aryabaha: The Role of the Beijing Olympics in China's Public Diplomacy
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- ISBN 9783845442815: Wellencia Mukaru: Impacts of Large herbivores on vegetation and soils around waterpoints
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- ISBN 3845442972: Zahid Kamran: Low Protein Diets for Broilers
- ISBN 9783845442976: Zahid Kamran: Low Protein Diets for Broilers
- ISBN 9783845442990: Yatin Shukla: Science Based Authentication of Botanicals