ISBN beginnend mit 9783846524
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846524008: Reza Gholami: Psychological Traits and Task-Based Learning of EFL Learners
- ISBN 9783846524015: Meena Vangalapati: Studies on Itaconic acid Production using Aspergillus sps.
- ISBN 9783846524022: Seokyon Hwang: Proactive Planning and Control of Construction Projects
- ISBN 3846524034: G. G. Iwanow: Metod dispersionnogo kartirowaniq
- ISBN 9783846524039: G. G. Iwanow: Metod dispersionnogo kartirowaniq
- ISBN 9783846524046: Richard Branson: The role of the imagination in adolescent religious conversion
- ISBN 9783846524053: Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder: Reproductive Diseases and its Treatment of Crossbred Cows
- ISBN 3846524069: Christophe Galland: Quantum Optics with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
- ISBN 9783846524060: Christophe Galland: Quantum Optics with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
- ISBN 9783846524077: Abida Sadaf: Software Change Prediction to Support Project Planning
- ISBN 9783846524084: Kadri, S. M.: Climate change & Human Health
- ISBN 9783846524091: Minoo Alemi: Critical Thinking Ability among EFL Learners
- ISBN 9783846524107: Rao, Udai Pratap: SVD Based Database Watermarking for Security in Database
- ISBN 9783846524114: Francisca Mbutitia: Gender and education:A case of drop-out and grade repetition
- ISBN 9783846524121: Vsewolod Cinzerling: Pnewmonii. Jetiologiq, patogenez, kliniko-morfologicheskie paralleli
- ISBN 9783846524138: Viktoriq Viktorowna Butenko: Vneshneäkonomicheskij kontrakt i global'nyj äkonomicheskij krizis
- ISBN 384652414X: Nataliq Meleshko: Institut sem'i w Rossijskom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783846524145: Nataliq Meleshko: Institut sem'i w Rossijskom obschestwe
- ISBN 9783846524152: Rahmat Ellahi: Analytical Solutions for non-Linear Partial Differential Equations
- ISBN 9783846524169: Adebanji, Atinuke: Effects of Mahalanobis Distance and Prior Probabilities
- ISBN 9783846524176: Ravishankar Mor: Nature's law versus Man made law
- ISBN 9783846524183: Prawowoe soznanie detej-sirot
- ISBN 9783846524190: Fadhma Izri Folensbee: Spreading democracy, supporting dictators
- ISBN 9783846524206: Joseph Essandoh-Yeddu: Energy-Economic Analysis of Power Plant Carbon Dioxide Capture
- ISBN 9783846524213: Alfaqheri, Hakam: Shear Bond Strength of Brackets Adhered to laser-Etch Versus Acid-Etch
- ISBN 9783846524220: Valentina Valentinowna Britwina: Aärobnye nagruzki w reabilitacii bol'nyh infarktom miokarda
- ISBN 9783846524237: Verhulst, Pieter-Jan: The ghrelin receptor family in diabetic mouse models / A role in the regulation of energy and glucose homeostasis
- ISBN 9783846524244: Mariq Chershincewa: Tajnopis' muzyki I.S. Baha
- ISBN 9783846524251: Somana Fatima: Morphological Variations in Urdu Speaking Speech Community of India
- ISBN 9783846524268: Rinyka Allison: Inclusion Through the Eyes of Educators
- ISBN 9783846524275: Shakeel Ahmed Bhatti: Development of Dairy Co-operatives in the UK
- ISBN 9783846524282: Amani Gibson: Sustainability of Conservation Efforts in Tanzania
- ISBN 9783846524299: Tarh Besong Frambo: The Economic Repercussions of Diaspora Remittances in Cameroon
- ISBN 9783846524305: Alexandr Nechiporenko: Filosofiq Nikolaq Kuzanskogo
- ISBN 9783846524312: Siddaraju V. G. Gayathri N. K.: Information Technology and Economic Development in India
- ISBN 9783846524329: Mumtaz Ahmad: Effect Of Organic And Inorganic Fertilizer On Maize Yield
- ISBN 3846524336: Nadezhda Makarowa: Forsirowannaq industrializaciq: wzglqd iznutri
- ISBN 9783846524336: Nadezhda Makarowa: Forsirowannaq industrializaciq: wzglqd iznutri
- ISBN 9783846524343: Amr Magdy: Discovering Clusters of Arbitrary Shapes and Densities in Data Streams
- ISBN 9783846524350: Ramachandra Phanikumar: Heave reduction through chemical stabilisation
- ISBN 9783846524367: Keshav Dutta Dawadi: Effect of Removal of Heads of Broccoli on the Seed Yield and Quality
- ISBN 9783846524374: Yisma Tsige: Implementation of Mother Tongue Education in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846524381: Aga, Meseret Amde: Study of Polarographic Behaviors of Cadmium(II) in Potassium Chloride
- ISBN 9783846524398: Banerjee, Subham: Microstructured Interpenetrating Polymer Network Drug Delivery System / Development of Novel Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogel Microspheres For Controlled Release of Diclofenac Sodium
- ISBN 3846524409: Anna Kriworuchko: Jekfrasis w russkom Künstlerroman 1920-h godow
- ISBN 9783846524404: Anna Kriworuchko: Jekfrasis w russkom Künstlerroman 1920-h godow
- ISBN 9783846524411: Messay Mulugeta: Determinants of Agricultural Productivity and Household Food Security
- ISBN 9783846524428: Alina Alb Lupas: Categorial aspects of topological groups and rings theory
- ISBN 9783846524435: Qurban Ali: Genetic Male Sterility in Fodder Crops
- ISBN 9783846524442: Kognitivnye resursy mediapolitiki vlasti
- ISBN 9783846524459: Silviu Matei: Romania at voting age
- ISBN 9783846524466: Archford Musodza: The Process of Indigenisation in the Anglican Diocese of Mashonaland
- ISBN 9783846524473: M. Abid Hussain: Management of Helicoverpa armigera by Entomopathogenic Nematodes
- ISBN 9783846524480: Md. Samiul Huda Shibly: Improvement of Holding Tax Collection System
- ISBN 9783846524497: Kiran Sharma: Changing Profile of Urban Poverty in Jharkhand
- ISBN 9783846524503: Astha Tripathi: Mineralization of phenolic compounds by various fleshy fungi
- ISBN 9783846524510: Deniz Erden: The "Right" To Reconcile Work And Family Responsibilities
- ISBN 3846524522: Vladislaw Sutqgin: Uprawlenie denezhnymi potokami
- ISBN 9783846524527: Vladislaw Sutqgin: Uprawlenie denezhnymi potokami
- ISBN 3846524530: Minogin Andrej Vladimirowich: Otkazoustojchiwye wychislitel'nye sistemy
- ISBN 9783846524534: Minogin Andrej Vladimirowich: Otkazoustojchiwye wychislitel'nye sistemy
- ISBN 9783846524541: Chen-Hsiung Kang: Configuration Synthesis of Mechanisms with Variable Topologies
- ISBN 9783846524565: Faktor [PSI+] i mutacii w belke Sup35
- ISBN 3846524573: Elena Akulowa: Vwedenie w sociologiü
- ISBN 9783846524589: Caroline Zunckel: Cosmological Magnetogenesis
- ISBN 9783846524596: Kusum Barua: Technical and Economical Feasibility Grid tied Solar PV in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783846524602: Abebe Jenberie Wubie Amssalu Bezabih: Melissopalynology of Honeybee Plants in North East Amhara, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846524619: Krishna.J.M., Raghav: Export Processing Zones In India and its Performance
- ISBN 384652462X: Vitalij Il'ich Lewin: Teoriq raspisanij i neprerywnaq logika
- ISBN 9783846524626: Vitalij Il'ich Lewin: Teoriq raspisanij i neprerywnaq logika
- ISBN 9783846524633: Vikashkumar Jhurree: The Teaching and Learning of ICT at Primary School Level in Mauritius
- ISBN 9783846524640: Koncept «luebow »: associatiwnyj i gendernyj aspekty
- ISBN 9783846524657: Rehmat Karim Baig: Islam Misrepresented by Muslims
- ISBN 9783846524664: Zobia Noureen Imran Zubair: Psychological and social problems faced by psychologists
- ISBN 9783846524671: Halgwrd Darwesh Eman Bhaya: On The Shape Preserving Approximation
- ISBN 9783846524688: S. Akhter Raza S. M. Aqil Burney: Time Series Analysis of High Speed Wireless Networks
- ISBN 9783846524695: Raúl Antonio Rodríguez Gómez: Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
- ISBN 9783846524701: Aissatou Mboussi Nkomidio Paul Woafo: Propagation of action potential in a nerve fibre
- ISBN 9783846524725: Mapolisa, Tichaona: Indiscipline among Grades 6 and 7 Pupils in Zimabwe / Experiences of selected primary school teachers in upper Muzarabani District, Mashonaland Central Province in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783846524732: James Zivanomoyo: Stock market efficiency in Zimbabwe
- ISBN 9783846524749: Imran Zubair Khan: Causes of Petty Offences
- ISBN 9783846524756: Saeed Rezaei Hadis Sabzi: English Vocabulary Success
- ISBN 9783846524763: Olawale Nasiru Tijani: Evaluation Of Community Base Conservation Policy
- ISBN 9783846524770: Rahmeto Negash Hassen Ranjan S. Karippai Ranjitha Puskur: Determinants of Adoption of Improved Haricot Bean Production Package
- ISBN 3846524786: Inna Zaharowa: Territorial'naq sistema obrazowaniq
- ISBN 9783846524787: Inna Zaharowa: Territorial'naq sistema obrazowaniq
- ISBN 9783846524794: Eunice Engoke-Odongi: Gender Integration in the Agricultural Extension System
- ISBN 9783846524800: Gordon Schulz: The Rise of the Mythopoetic Men's Movement
- ISBN 9783846524817: Mario Cambardella: Atlanta Regional Transit Corridor
- ISBN 3846524824: Radu-Corneliu Duca: Contaminated food Zearalenone effects on the detoxification enzymes
- ISBN 9783846524824: Radu-Corneliu Duca: Contaminated food Zearalenone effects on the detoxification enzymes
- ISBN 9783846524831: Akshay Kumar Verma: Necrotising fasciitis: Experiences and a study in India
- ISBN 9783846524848: Hannes Schenck: Coulomb-glasses and generic SK-models
- ISBN 9783846524855: Nafish Sarwar Islam: Wood Plastic Composites
- ISBN 9783846524862: Rituparna Banerjee: Fund Return Analysis
- ISBN 9783846524879: Valerij Burdow: Jeakony razwitiq obschestwa
- ISBN 3846524883: Valerij Burdow: Zakony razwitiq obschestwa
- ISBN 9783846524886: Valerij Burdow: Zakony razwitiq obschestwa
- ISBN 9783846524893: Mozumdar, Lavlu: Dynamics of Rural Power Structure
- ISBN 9783846524909: Nafish Sarwar Islam: Developments and Evaluation of the SCM Systems
- ISBN 9783846524916: Mette Gabler: In Search of Sexual Revolutions in New Delhi
- ISBN 9783846524923: Valerij Bogatyröw: Global'nye processy w prawe
- ISBN 9783846524930: Sergej Zhadan: Motiwaciq i trudowaq aktiwnost' personala
- ISBN 9783846524947: Dilen Kistnen: The Current State of Capital Movement Freedom for India
- ISBN 9783846524954: Barbara Madaj: Migration of doctors from Poland to the UK
- ISBN 9783846524961: Ian Dickinson: Africa in Travel Journalism
- ISBN 9783846524978: Tahira Jibeen Ruhi Khalid: Psychological Well-being of Pakistani Immigrants in Toronto, Canada
- ISBN 9783846524985: Muya Kanyinda: Reasons for Pregnancy Among Women on PMTCT Program in Serowe-Botswana
- ISBN 9783846524992: Sadiq Bhanbhro: Community Perception of Inequities in Health