ISBN beginnend mit 9783846525
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846525005: M. D. Nithin: Study of Fingerprints Among South Indian Population
- ISBN 9783846525012: Nathaniel Umukoro: The Amnesty Program and the Quest for Peace in the Niger Delta
- ISBN 9783846525036: Kudakwashe Collins Ralph Muringaniza: Spatio-temporal land use and land cover changes in Shurugwi district
- ISBN 9783846525043: Dilen Kistnen: Issues and Trends in the Fund Management Industry
- ISBN 9783846525050: Nagat Abady: Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of Some Heterocyclic Compounds
- ISBN 3846525065: Natal'q Konoplük: Sonetnyj cikl Dzhordzha Meredita «Sowremennaq lübow'»
- ISBN 9783846525074: Shashank Kawar: Thin Film Science
- ISBN 3846525081: Vadim Rozin: Kul'turologicheskie issledowaniq.
- ISBN 9783846525081: Vadim Rozin: Kul'turologicheskie issledowaniq.
- ISBN 9783846525098: Kristina Shawgulidze: Klinicheskoe znachenie dinamiki zhirowoj tkani u pacientow s HSN
- ISBN 9783846525104: Monis Akhlaq Irfan Awan Faeiz Alserhani: Improved Performance High Speed Network Intrusion Detection Systems
- ISBN 9783846525111: Raj Narayan: Contraceptive Use among Slum and Non-Slum in selected cities of India
- ISBN 384652512X: Vaail Mahmod Lafta: Ocenka ostatochnogo sroka sluzhby podwizhnogo sostawa
- ISBN 9783846525128: Vaail Mahmod Lafta: Ocenka ostatochnogo sroka sluzhby podwizhnogo sostawa
- ISBN 9783846525135: Nikhil Ranjan Mandal: Participatory Delivery of Built Spaces for Social Infrastructure
- ISBN 9783846525142: Keshav Dev Singh: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanothermometer
- ISBN 3846525154: Lew Koptew: Jenergiq tworchestwa aktöra
- ISBN 9783846525159: Lew Koptew: Jenergiq tworchestwa aktöra
- ISBN 9783846525166: Enas Elsheikh: The Myth of Explicit Communication
- ISBN 9783846525173: Garret Kent Fellows: Negotiated Settlements in the Pipeline Services Market
- ISBN 9783846525180: Merve Çalhan: Children of Iranian Asylum-Seekers in Turkey
- ISBN 9783846525197: Mahin Sharif Ashok K. R.: Economics of Natural Resource Overexploitation
- ISBN 9783846525210: Apurva Mohan: Attribute based Authorization Systems for Protected Health Information
- ISBN 3846525227: Stanislaw Kuznecow: Podgotowka buduschih specialistow po fizicheskoj kul'ture i sportu
- ISBN 9783846525227: Stanislaw Kuznecow: Podgotowka buduschih specialistow po fizicheskoj kul'ture i sportu
- ISBN 9783846525234: Mohammed Abdullah Mamun: Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Enterprise of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783846525241: Kamlesh Kumar: Restorative Justice in Preventing Custodial Crimes in India
- ISBN 9783846525258: Suvangshu Dutta: Novel Biodegradable Polyurethanes Derived From A Sustainable Resource
- ISBN 9783846525265: Walaa Mohamed Abd-Elhafiez Usama Sayed Mohammed: Image and Video Coding Technique Based on Object Extraction
- ISBN 9783846525272: Suvamoy Changder: Text Steganography through Different Indian Languages
- ISBN 9783846525289: Samson Shimelse: Vegetation Ecology in NNP
- ISBN 9783846525296: Goeknur Çelik: University Continuing Education Units For Local Development
- ISBN 3846525308: Galina Kuchumowa: Roman konca HH weka w sisteme kul'turnyh paradigm.
- ISBN 9783846525302: Galina Kuchumowa: Roman konca HH weka w sisteme kul'turnyh paradigm.
- ISBN 9783846525319: Il'q Cilikow: Metody obrabotki estestwennyh qzykow i izwlecheniq informacii
- ISBN 3846525324: Guzel' Kolobowa: Politicheskie mehanizmy gosudarstwa w perehodnoj äkonomike
- ISBN 9783846525326: Guzel' Kolobowa: Politicheskie mehanizmy gosudarstwa w perehodnoj äkonomike
- ISBN 9783846525333: Vladimir Kochekow: Russkoe narodno-instrumental'noe ispolnitel'stwo Chelqbinskoj oblasti
- ISBN 9783846525340: Jurij Bazulin: Proishozhdenie i priroda deneg
- ISBN 9783846525357: Sadia Jabeen: Managing Aesthetics as Open Innovation Practice
- ISBN 3846525367: Alexandr Bazhin: Kar'ernaq kompetentnost' studencheskoj molodezhi
- ISBN 9783846525364: Alexandr Bazhin: Kar'ernaq kompetentnost' studencheskoj molodezhi
- ISBN 9783846525371: Ajit Kumar Pandey Sonia Avasthi Pranjali Pandey: Collagen and Thrombin induced Platelet Aggregation
- ISBN 3846525383: Alexandr Cykunow: Adaptiwnoe i robastnoe uprawlenie
- ISBN 9783846525388: Alexandr Cykunow: Adaptiwnoe i robastnoe uprawlenie
- ISBN 3846525391: Andrej Dolinkin: Geteroaromaticheskie tioamidy: strukturnaq i analiticheskaq himiq
- ISBN 9783846525395: Andrej Dolinkin: Geteroaromaticheskie tioamidy: strukturnaq i analiticheskaq himiq
- ISBN 9783846525401: Sharmin Rashid Linta: Towards E-Learning Management System using Semantic Web Technologies.
- ISBN 9783846525418: Moon Thiak, Ang: Conceptual And Logical Model for Hire Purchase System
- ISBN 9783846525425: Tilahun Hailu: Elite Ethiopian hot pepper
- ISBN 384652543X: Alla Kowtunowa: Podgotowka buduschih specialistow po social'noj rabote s migrantami
- ISBN 9783846525432: Alla Kowtunowa: Podgotowka buduschih specialistow po social'noj rabote s migrantami
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- ISBN 9783846525456: Sandhya Suresh: Digital Asset Management In Marketing
- ISBN 9783846525463: Pankaj Bhamare: Guide For Master's Thesis In Analytical Chemistry
- ISBN 9783846525470: Melania Mujutywa-Shayanewako: Inflation Forecasting, Central Bank Independence and Price Stability
- ISBN 9783846525487: Dalal Sarnou: Arab Women Writers: Between Rebellion and Creativity
- ISBN 9783846525494: Osip Mandel shtam Poet I Teoretik
- ISBN 9783846525500: Michele Granito: S.M.A. Shape Memory Alloy cooling system by Peltier cells
- ISBN 9783846525517: Boris Minin: Obschestwennyj sud
- ISBN 9783846525524: Sunil Jose T: EPDM/CIIR Blends
- ISBN 9783846525531: Michal Vlasak: Management Research on Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2010
- ISBN 3846525545: Oumer Wabe: Interval Method to Estimate Lactation Yield
- ISBN 9783846525548: Oumer Wabe: Interval Method to Estimate Lactation Yield
- ISBN 9783846525555: Jing Li Yang Yang Sun: CSR and Corporate Branding
- ISBN 9783846525562: Abdul Hamid, Mohamed Ishak: Comparative Education Law
- ISBN 9783846525579: Abu Bakar Sufyan: Hormonal and Dietary Manipulation in Dairy Animals
- ISBN 9783846525586: Dorcas Katiambo: Understanding Primary Fractions / The concept of Fractions / Dorcas Katiambo / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 120 S. / Englisch / 2011 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783846525586
- ISBN 9783846525593: Carianne Blomquist: Cyclooxygenase and Cyclooxgenase Inhibitors in Alzheimer's Disease
- ISBN 9783846525609: Bahati Mlwilo: Challenges facing coffee cooperatives and coffee business groups
- ISBN 9783846525616: Lüdmila Betker: Raspoznawanie ämocij po golosu det'mi s ZPR
- ISBN 9783846525623: Richard Abila: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of Lake Victoria Basin
- ISBN 9783846525630: Umozakluecheniq w politicheskom diskurse
- ISBN 9783846525654: Vipin Kumar: Geo-Environmental Study For Watershed Development Planning
- ISBN 9783846525661: Gaurang Rami Medhavin B. Dave: Some Aspects of Macroeconomic Development in India
- ISBN 9783846525685: Socializaciq uchaschihsq
- ISBN 9783846525692: Tajul Rosli Razak: Automated Data Integration, Cleaning and Analysis
- ISBN 9783846525708: Gornoe delo w Viniti Pan
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- ISBN 9783846525739: Toshiaki Owari: Value Creation in International Business Relationships
- ISBN 9783846525746: Nataliq Kipreewa: Sowetskaq fotozhurnalistika 1920¿1930-h godow i zhurnal «Sowetskoe foto»
- ISBN 3846525758: Natal'q Vasil'ewna Efimowa: Jekologicheski obuslowlennye narusheniq zdorow'q
- ISBN 9783846525753: Natal'q Vasil'ewna Efimowa: Jekologicheski obuslowlennye narusheniq zdorow'q
- ISBN 3846525766: Swqtoslaw Kalinkin: Samodeqtel'nye organizacii osuzhdennyh w isprawitel'nyh uchrezhdeniqh
- ISBN 9783846525760: Swqtoslaw Kalinkin: Samodeqtel'nye organizacii osuzhdennyh w isprawitel'nyh uchrezhdeniqh
- ISBN 9783846525777: Rinat Sajfullin: Poluchenie pokrytij älektrokontaktnoj priwarkoj poroshkowyh materialow
- ISBN 9783846525784: György Elmer: Novel high frequency model of transformers of electronic devices
- ISBN 9783846525791: D.S. Padmini N. Sowmya A. Venmathi: Food Packaging
- ISBN 9783846525807: Han Hui: A Study of Teachers Perceptions of ICC Teaching in China
- ISBN 3846525812: Nikolaj Krawcow: Apologiq Vagnera
- ISBN 9783846525814: Nikolaj Krawcow: Apologiq Vagnera
- ISBN 9783846525821: Oladimeji Bolaji Adeniji: The Impact of Mass media on adoption of Agricultural innovations
- ISBN 9783846525845: Dele Oluwade: Mathematical Representation of Computer Character Data
- ISBN 9783846525852: Mezhotraslewye swqzi w APK Rossii
- ISBN 3846525863: Jurij Vedernikow: Optimizaciq strukturnogo postroeniq sistem kontrolq i uprawleniq
- ISBN 9783846525869: Jurij Vedernikow: Optimizaciq strukturnogo postroeniq sistem kontrolq i uprawleniq
- ISBN 3846525871: Marina Loginowa: Vyrazitel'nost' molchaniq w kul'ture
- ISBN 9783846525876: Marina Loginowa: Vyrazitel'nost' molchaniq w kul'ture
- ISBN 9783846525883: Dessalegn Ejigu: Plate tectonics and distribution of animals
- ISBN 9783846525890: H. M. Nurul Islam: Climate Change and Fisherman Community
- ISBN 9783846525906: Andrea Bencsik: Small and Silly?
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- ISBN 9783846525920: Aslam, Nabiha: Association between Career Choice and Aptitude
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- ISBN 9783846525944: Jakub Hemerka: Benefits of TQM in SME providing services
- ISBN 9783846525951: Abdel-Wahab Obaia: Poultry Farms Equipment Selection Under Egyptian Conditions
- ISBN 9783846525968: Antikrizisnoe Regulirovanie Vneshney Zadolzhennosti
- ISBN 9783846525975: Praveen Sajjanapu: Business And Consumer Education (Global and Indian perspective)-Vol-II
- ISBN 9783846525982: Nicholas Wettels: Biomimetic Tactile Sensor for Object Identification and Grip Control
- ISBN 3846525995: Ol'ga Goncharowa: Narodnaq medicina w sisteme zhizneobespecheniq naseleniq Gornogo Altaq
- ISBN 9783846525999: Ol'ga Goncharowa: Narodnaq medicina w sisteme zhizneobespecheniq naseleniq Gornogo Altaq