ISBN beginnend mit 9783846548
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3846548006: Anna Kupriqnowa: Sowremennoe studencheskoe radioweschanie Rossii
- ISBN 9783846548004: Anna Kupriqnowa: Sowremennoe studencheskoe radioweschanie Rossii
- ISBN 9783846548011: Nousheen Tariq Bhutta: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Agency Cost and Firm Performance
- ISBN 9783846548028: Mohammad Shukri Salman: Adaptive Filtering
- ISBN 9783846548035: Tat'qna Lazarewa: Ikonostasy Central'noj Rossii XVIII-nachala XX ww.
- ISBN 9783846548042: Swetlana Hrebina: Psihologicheskie mehanizmy razwitiq motiwacii dostizheniq uspeha
- ISBN 9783846548059: Bonus Reddy Palipati: Parliamentary Supremacy vs. Judicial Supremacy in India
- ISBN 9783846548066: Alain A Ndedi: NEPAD and MDG: Can Africa Reclaim the 21st Century?
- ISBN 9783846548073: Gladness Kaseka: Effectiveness of Bank Advertisements in Attracting customers
- ISBN 9783846548080: Jasmeet Gulati: International Criminal Law
- ISBN 384654809X: Mihail Prohorow: Religiq i tehnologiq
- ISBN 9783846548097: Mihail Prohorow: Religiq i tehnologiq
- ISBN 9783846548103: Sergio Manzetti: Quantum Chemical Toxicology
- ISBN 9783846548110: Farhat Jamil: Psychosocial Aspects of Menopause A Pakistani Perspective
- ISBN 9783846548127: Ivan Husu: Influence of cardiolipin on the Reaction Centre protein
- ISBN 3846548138: Georgij Miroshnichenko: Kontrol' mikrosistem älektromagnitnym polem i kwantowymi izmereniqmi
- ISBN 9783846548134: Georgij Miroshnichenko: Kontrol' mikrosistem älektromagnitnym polem i kwantowymi izmereniqmi
- ISBN 9783846548141: Oleg Pobegajlow: Planirowanie gorodskogo stroitel'stwa w uslowiqh neopredelennosti
- ISBN 9783846548158: Drahomira Herrmannova: Social Network Integration into an Information Portal
- ISBN 3846548162: Alexandra Lebedewa: Semantika i funkcionirowanie predlozhenij s glagolami kasaniq
- ISBN 9783846548165: Alexandra Lebedewa: Semantika i funkcionirowanie predlozhenij s glagolami kasaniq
- ISBN 9783846548172: Gregory Gondwe: Media Council of Tanzania (MCT): Quest for normative journalism ethics
- ISBN 3846548189: Alexej Nowozhilow: Metodika wybora indikatorow monitoringa programm
- ISBN 9783846548189: Alexej Nowozhilow: Metodika wybora indikatorow monitoringa programm
- ISBN 3846548197: N. A. Petrow: Vozdejstwie prqmyh inwesticij na razwitie nacional'nyh äkonomik
- ISBN 9783846548196: N. A. Petrow: Vozdejstwie prqmyh inwesticij na razwitie nacional'nyh äkonomik
- ISBN 9783846548202: Marwa Zakzouk: The Mechanical Production of Meat Additives From Soy Flour
- ISBN 9783846548219: Model' massowoj kul'tury sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 3846548227: Victoria Hodge: Outlier and Anomaly Detection
- ISBN 9783846548226: Victoria Hodge: Outlier and Anomaly Detection
- ISBN 9783846548240: Wisdom Sibanda: Community Participation in Wildlife Management
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- ISBN 9783846548264: Devesh Bathla: Mobilephone- A fashion statement
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- ISBN 9783846548288: Al Jamal Mustafa Shindaini: The Changing Occupational Patterns in Rural Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783846548295: Ekaterina Mushnikowa: Dinamika i statika anglijskogo bezudarnogo wokalizma
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- ISBN 9783846548301: Ol'ga Baryshnikowa: Pedagogika S. Frene
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- ISBN 9783846548448: Racheet Matai: Deep Space Propulsion Techniques
- ISBN 9783846548455: Nicholas Ngepah: Energy, Inequality and pro-poor growth in South Africa
- ISBN 9783846548462: Md. Shafiqul Islam: Limnology of one of the worst affected rivers in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783846548479: Dogowor postawki w predprinimatel'skoj deqtel'nosti
- ISBN 9783846548486: Gholap, Babasaheb: Tractor Mounted Hydraulic Boom Sprayer
- ISBN 9783846548493: Fathy Hassan: Growing of Button And Oyster Mushrooms
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- ISBN 9783846548523: Saddik Gohar: Narratives of Hegemony and Marginalization
- ISBN 9783846548530: Ju. G. Il'ichew: Sowremennoe oledenenie Bol'shogo Kawkaza
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- ISBN 9783846548547: Oxana Borisowa: Informacionnoe obespechenie deqtel'nosti rukowoditelq shkoly
- ISBN 9783846548554: Safia Jabeen: Micropropagation and antimicrobial activity of turmeric
- ISBN 3846548561: Ewgenij Raskatow: Modelirowanie piligrimowoj prokatki besshownyh trub
- ISBN 9783846548561: Ewgenij Raskatow: Modelirowanie piligrimowoj prokatki besshownyh trub
- ISBN 9783846548578: Daniel Endale Gebremichael: Genetic diversity among landraces of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
- ISBN 9783846548585: Md. Nuru Alam Siddique: Endangered Medicinal Plants & Biotechnological Conservation
- ISBN 9783846548592: Lemma Lessa: Development of Stemming Algorith for Wolaytta Text
- ISBN 9783846548608: Suguru Mizunoya: Improving Targeting of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
- ISBN 9783846548615: Manandhar, Shailina: Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Raft Foundation / Study of Raft foundation, a type of shallow foundation
- ISBN 9783846548622: Textowye paradigmy frazeologicheskih edinic w skazkah Leonida Filatowa
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- ISBN 9783846548639: Grigorij Golowchanskij: Hristianizaciq Permi Velikoj
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- ISBN 9783846548646: Tat'qna Safonowa: Xilotrofnye griby berezowyh lesow Juzhnogo Priural'q
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- ISBN 9783846548660: Shams Forruque Ahmed: Fiber Motion in Turbulent Flow
- ISBN 3846548677: Sedigheh Vahdat: Computer-assisted Reading Comprehension
- ISBN 9783846548677: Sedigheh Vahdat: Computer-assisted Reading Comprehension
- ISBN 9783846548684: Divya Bajpai: Imidazoline surfactants derived from diethylenetriamine & fatty acids
- ISBN 9783846548691: Andrew Wiecek: Film Noir, Hard-Boiled Fiction, and Working Women
- ISBN 3846548707: Shashi Kiran Joshi: Effect of environment on growth and yield of Indian bean
- ISBN 9783846548707: Shashi Kiran Joshi: Effect of environment on growth and yield of Indian bean
- ISBN 9783846548714: Rasheed Hassan: Stealing and armed robbery in colonial Ibadan
- ISBN 9783846548738: Joseph Yaw Dwamena Quansah: Utilization of Teaching Space Facilities
- ISBN 9783846548745: Magesh Thiyagarajan: Laser Induced Plasmas & Optical Diagnostics
- ISBN 9783846548752: Mohammed Al-Askeri: Genetic and Biochemical Study of Alpha-Amylase
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- ISBN 9783846548776: Gísli Thorsteinsson Tom Page: Practical Based Subjects for The Wider Curricula
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- ISBN 9783846548783: Ekaterina Matwienko: osobennosti lecheniq arterial'noj gipertenzii u zhenschin w postmenopauze
- ISBN 9783846548790: Tugce Karpuzcu: Impact of e-Services on Customer Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783846548806: Viktor Korqchkin: Odnostoronnqq spinal'naq anesteziq
- ISBN 9783846548813: Andrey D. Andreev: Methods to produce short-pulse high-power microwaves
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- ISBN 9783846548882: Mokhtar Guizani: New Researches on LPS Endotoxins in Reclaimed Wastewater
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- ISBN 9783846548899: Abd Allah A. Mousa: Study on multiobjective optimization using improved genetic Algorithm
- ISBN 9783846548905: Sayan Ghosh Asit Maiti: Betel leaf Cultivation - A Potential Crop for Sustainable Income
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- ISBN 9783846548929: Murodali Sangow: Siluminy, soderzhaschie ittriq
- ISBN 3846548936: Mariq Kulagina: Innowacionno-inwesticionnoe razwitie regionow Rossii
- ISBN 9783846548936: Mariq Kulagina: Innowacionno-inwesticionnoe razwitie regionow Rossii
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- ISBN 9783846548950: Senem Suzek: The Decoration of Cave Churches in Cappadocia under Selcuk Rule
- ISBN 3846548979: Lübow' Mischenko: Pol i gender
- ISBN 9783846548974: Lübow' Mischenko: Pol i gender
- ISBN 9783846548998: Terri-Lynn Brennan: Identity, Anti-Colonialism & Community Resistance