ISBN beginnend mit 9783846559
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846559000: Wilson Okaka: The Challenges of Public Communications Campaigns
- ISBN 9783846559017: Hocine Fellag: Stability of first-order autoregressive models Case of small samples
- ISBN 9783846559024: Rustam Aükasow: Optimal'noe uprawlenie stohasticheskimi processami s posledejstwiem
- ISBN 3846559040: Vadim Sulimow: Prowincial'naq shkola Rossii XIX ¿ nachala HH ww.
- ISBN 9783846559048: Vadim Sulimow: Prowincial'naq shkola Rossii XIX ¿ nachala HH ww.
- ISBN 9783846559055: Chetan Agrawal: Demographic Dividend or Disaster: Indian Labour in the 21st Century
- ISBN 9783846559062: Shedrack Wellin Willilo: Transport Infrastructure Appraisal
- ISBN 9783846559079: Irina Lawrikowa: Nekotorye razmyshleniq o wlasti smerti
- ISBN 9783846559086: Nageshwar Patlolla: Dyslexia - Phonological Processes
- ISBN 9783846559093: Vyazkost Rasplavov Cu-Al I Vliyanie Gomogenizatsii Na Ikh Kristallizatsiyu
- ISBN 9783846559109: Ai Tee Goh: Courtyard Housing in the UK
- ISBN 9783846559123: Kushmakar Bhatta: Prospects and Problems for the Development of Village Tourism in Nepal
- ISBN 9783846559130: Marcela Šimková: Hardware Accelerated Functional Verification
- ISBN 9783846559147: Bhattacharjee, Somenath: Religion, Culture and Economy
- ISBN 9783846559154: Bhanu Shrivastava: Fundamentals of Medical Microbiology Volume II
- ISBN 9783846559161: Neonila Turanina: Kosmicheskoe prostranstwo w poäzii Serebrqnogo Veka
- ISBN 9783846559178: John Zhen Guo Ma: Electric Tethers in Debris Mitigation
- ISBN 9783846559185: Daniel W . Kasomo: The Role of Guidance and Counselling in Secondary Schools
- ISBN 3846559199: Tomasz Smolarek: Effective device management
- ISBN 9783846559192: Tomasz Smolarek: Effective device management
- ISBN 9783846559208: Umesh Kumbhar: Veterinary Andrology & Artificial Insemination
- ISBN 9783846559215: Ruba Matarneh: Women's Representation in the Lower House of Parliament
- ISBN 9783846559239: Gamal Elsaeed: Impact of Oriented Spur Dikes on Flow Pattern in Open Channels
- ISBN 9783846559246: Vangimalla Mallikarjuna Reddy: Contribution of Kadapa Koti Reddy to Andhra Politics
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- ISBN 9783846559277: Kajsa Barsk: Regulating Private Employment Agencies in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846559284: Israt Jahan: Performance of Policy Instruments for Wetland Conservation of Dhaka
- ISBN 9783846559291: Nowyj metod rascheta polej w prostranstwe-wremeni swqzannyh struktur
- ISBN 9783846559307: Manas Badge Hemant Borgaonkar: Study of Tree-rings to understand past climate
- ISBN 3846559318: Irina Zübina: Rechewoe powedenie gosobwinitelq w skrytoj pragmalingwistike
- ISBN 9783846559314: Irina Zübina: Rechewoe powedenie gosobwinitelq w skrytoj pragmalingwistike
- ISBN 9783846559321: Samantha Dube: An Investigation Of The Child Support Grant in South Africa
- ISBN 9783846559338: Asiedu, Nana Kwaku: Asante Art and Culture: The Mainspring of Asante¿S Greatness and Glory
- ISBN 9783846559345: Michael Papsdorf: Adolescent Cancer Survivors
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- ISBN 9783846559369: Mona AlZahrani: Using Keyword Method in Teaching English Vocabulary
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- ISBN 9783846559376: Ashraf Bani Mustafa: Mixed Schiff ¿Base Complexes of Cu & Ni
- ISBN 9783846559383: Daniel Moses Ameh: Culture and Diplomacy
- ISBN 9783846559390: Davide Micheli: Radar Absorbing Materials and Microwave Shielding Structures Design
- ISBN 9783846559406: Fassika Teshome: Teachers Speak: Challenges to Teachers' Initiative and Commitment
- ISBN 9783846559413: Ruqayyah Hamidu Muhammad: Roll Back Malaria programme and prevalence of malaria in Kano
- ISBN 9783846559420: Nosratollah Tajik: Early Age Thermal Movements of Mass Concrete Constructions
- ISBN 3846559431: Varwara Okorokowa: Poätika ükagirskogo romana
- ISBN 9783846559444: Ragnhild Sørumgård: Materiality, Structures and Ideology
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- ISBN 9783846559475: Bridgette McKelvey: Fact or Ficton?
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- ISBN 9783846559529: Mihail Shapowalow: Blizhnewostochnaq problema: poiski putej i metodow resheniq 1920-87 gg.
- ISBN 9783846559536: Alex Uriri: Maternal Mortality and Poverty in South South Nigeria
- ISBN 9783846559543: Prestuplenie i nakazanie po Russkoj Prawde i Pskowskoj Sudnoj gramote
- ISBN 9783846559550: Dinesh M. V.: An Economic Analysis of Nursery Farm
- ISBN 9783846559567: Ethelyn Maglanque-Perlas: When is Similar Different?
- ISBN 9783846559574: S. M. Kadri: Healthcare Waste Management
- ISBN 9783846559598: Modise Leepo: Reflections on the wellbeing levels of professionals
- ISBN 9783846559604: Andrew Whyte: Life-Cycle Assessment of Built-Asset Waste Materials
- ISBN 9783846559611: Ahmed Nasr-Alla: Nutritional Input Strategies for Enhancing Fish Production
- ISBN 9783846559628: Azman Ahmad: Ecotourism in Brunei Darussalam
- ISBN 9783846559635: Harald Schaller: Dealing with Volcanic Terrains: Conflict Management at Protected Areas
- ISBN 3846559644: Lüdmila Firsowa: Chajki Komandorskih ostrowow
- ISBN 9783846559642: Lüdmila Firsowa: Chajki Komandorskih ostrowow
- ISBN 9783846559659: Yaron Segal: Applied meteorology
- ISBN 9783846559666: Jiri Slaby: A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Property Searching in a Property Database
- ISBN 9783846559673: Mariam Carlsson Kanyama: Adaptation in the UNFCCC, a form of reparation in international law?
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- ISBN 9783846559703: Abubakar Mohammed Gombe: Hausa Oral Songs and the Influence of Shari'a: The Bakura Experience
- ISBN 9783846559710: Pierre de Leusse: Contextual Governance for Service Oriented Architecture
- ISBN 9783846559727: Giroh, Yuniyus Dengle: Technical Efficiency of Rubber Tapping in Edo State Nigeria
- ISBN 9783846559734: Sam Birley: Real-time Tone Mapping
- ISBN 9783846559741: Elena Burmitskaya: World's models of legal aid for criminal cases
- ISBN 9783846559758: Tat'qna Kolpakowa: Mezhwidowye wzaimootnosheniq beloshapochnoj i obyknowennoj owsqnok
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- ISBN 9783846559772: Moslem Amiri: Wireless sensor networks
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- ISBN 9783846559796: Saroj Yadav: Effect of computer assisted instruction
- ISBN 9783846559802: Kerry Harris: Enhancing coaches' experiential learning through CoPs
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- ISBN 9783846559826: Yakow Fajn: Fenomen tqgoteniq w muzykal'no-teoreticheskoj koncepcii B.Yaworskogo
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- ISBN 9783846559864: Mohammed Galib Hussain: Quality of Work Life in Islamic Culture
- ISBN 9783846559871: Neetu Choudhary: Malnutrition, Migration and Gender in Urban India
- ISBN 9783846559888: Lewis Wakoli Wachilonga: Financial Access by Women in Kenya A Case of Eldoret Municipality
- ISBN 9783846559895: Monika Bhardwaj: Design of Voltage Controlled Oscillators
- ISBN 9783846559901: Saghar Estehghari: Impact of Client-side Vulnerabilities on Web-based E-voting Systems
- ISBN 9783846559918: Bokkisam Venkatesula Reddy: Civil Service Reforms-Special Reference to All India Services: a Study
- ISBN 9783846559925: Kopalapillai Amirthalingam: Sri Lanka¿s Experience of Economic Liberalization / An Analytical Review on Sri Lankan Economy / Kopalapillai Amirthalingam / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 176 S. / Englisch / 2012 / EAN 9783846559925
- ISBN 9783846559932: Akinola Adeoye O. Akinola Faith Sarah: Women Empowerment and MDGs in Africa: A Cultural Perspective
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