ISBN beginnend mit 9783848424
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783848424009: Simon Samwel Msanjila: Gaining insight on trust engineering in networking businesses
- ISBN 9783848424016: Vinay Kumar: Antibiotics and their uses
- ISBN 3848424029: M. Otarbaewa: Mehanizmy formirowaniq professional'noj patologii u gornorabochih
- ISBN 9783848424023: M. Otarbaewa: Mehanizmy formirowaniq professional'noj patologii u gornorabochih
- ISBN 9783848424030: Abu Issah Noah: Development in the study of Infant and Child Mortality
- ISBN 9783848424047: Samata Mehta Milan Ganatra Ashish Kothari: Robotics
- ISBN 9783848424054: Premakumara G.S. Anitha Priya Govias: Gender Mainstreaming and Micro Enterprise Development
- ISBN 9783848424061: Indiyskaya Politika V Afrike
- ISBN 9783848424078: Asha Gupta Romeo Singh Maibam: Lemanea in Lotic Environment of Manipur, North-East India
- ISBN 9783848424085: Alewtina Malafeewa: Processy äwolücii i uprawleniq w slozhnyh sistemah
- ISBN 9783848424092: Xin Chen Fabio Dovis: Multipath Mitigation in GNSS Receiver
- ISBN 9783848424108: Vijit Mathur: Lumped Finite Element Model Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell
- ISBN 9783848424115: Debabrata Chatterjee: Corporate Governance -Self regulation vs legislation a case study
- ISBN 9783848424122: Arumugam Munusamy: Curcumin and resveratrol as anti-cataract agents in albino rats
- ISBN 9783848424139: Annica Holmqvist: Predictors in rectal cancer patients
- ISBN 9783848424146: Ustalostnaya Dolgovechnost Konstruktsiy Pri Malotsiklovom Nagruzhenii
- ISBN 9783848424153: Jekonomika organizacij
- ISBN 9783848424160: Clarissa Dackberg Victoria Segerfors: Gender quotas, firm performance and firm value
- ISBN 9783848424177: Bhim Chaulagain: Epidemics of Yellow Rust Disease on Wheat Multivar
- ISBN 9783848424184: Praneetha Byreeka: Investors Perception and Performance Measurement of Mutual Funds
- ISBN 9783848424191: Sultan Alam: Minerals in Vegetables and its Role in the Human Body
- ISBN 9783848424207: Nezal Aghajari: Factors Enhancing Customers in Banking System
- ISBN 9783848424214: Ainur Kulzhanova: Language Policy of Kazakhstan
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- ISBN 9783848424238: Vahid Kouhdaragh: LNA disign for radio telescope application
- ISBN 9783848424245: Swetlana Suchkowa: Zhimolost' sinqq, smorodina i kalina obyknowennaq w Sibiri
- ISBN 9783848424252: Ohota i skotovodstvo: rol i mesto zhivotnyh v zhizni cheloveka
- ISBN 9783848424269: Ekologiya, izmenchivost i antagonizm mikrobov basseyna ozera Baykal
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- ISBN 9783848424283: Gabriel Marchesan Almeida: Adaptive Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip Architectures
- ISBN 9783848424290: Jan Suchá¿ek: New Processes in Old Industrial Regions
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- ISBN 9783848424337: Nechetkoe Prognozirovanie Svoystv Khimicheskikh Soedineniy
- ISBN 9783848424344: Sreenivasulu Dandagala S.G. Mayya: Alternative Material for Semi Impervious Subsurface Barrier
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- ISBN 9783848424368: Asma Shahzad: Morpho-physiological effect of Gibberellic Acid on bitter gourd
- ISBN 9783848424375: Kanika Trivedy: Metamorphic changes in brain neurosecretory cells of Prodenia litura
- ISBN 9783848424382: Basavaraj Nanjwade: Nasal Drug Delivery
- ISBN 9783848424399: Model Monitoringa Obrazovatel nogo Protsessa V Partnerstve S Biznesom
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- ISBN 9783848424412: Kaida Shi: Who's who of well-known mathematicians (volume II)
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- ISBN 9783848424474: Tumelo Monyane: Gender Culture and Patriarchy: tentative
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- ISBN 9783848424504: Stephen Diang'a: Regularizing Informal Settlements for Sustainable Housing Development
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- ISBN 9783848424542: Endogennaya Intoksikatsiya I Vozmozhnost Ee Korrektsii Pri Grippe
- ISBN 9783848424559: Naselenie Ptits Khvoyno-Shirokolistvennykh Lesov Severnogo Privolzh ya
- ISBN 9783848424566: Vera Kazarina: Ornamentika drewnerusskih podwesnyh pelen XVI weka
- ISBN 9783848424573: Sintez Robastnykh Regulyatorov Dlya Neopredelyennoy Shim Sistemy
- ISBN 9783848424580: Constantin Cranganu: Heat Flow in Oklahoma and the south central United States
- ISBN 9783848424597: Lee Suan Chong: Mind, Key to Music Composition of Tibetan Buddhist Phet Singing
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- ISBN 9783848424610: Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad: Capm Estimates Through Regression
- ISBN 9783848424627: Vikrant Sehgal Shikha Sehgal: Nineteenth Century Poets
- ISBN 9783848424634: Mikala Sikaaze Bwalya: Community Response to Introduction of Agroforestry Technologies
- ISBN 9783848424641: Vospitanie woinskogo dolga u kursantow wuzow w sowremennyh uslowiqh
- ISBN 9783848424658: Biobele Da-Wariboko: New dimensionsion public service broadcasting
- ISBN 9783848424665: M. Arun Prasad M. V. Sangaranarayanan: Electrochemical Reduction of Halogenated Organic Pollutants
- ISBN 9783848424672: Yonas Gemeda: Location Analysis for Solid Waste Collection Bins Using GIS
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- ISBN 9783848424719: Madina Shahbanowa: Problemy reabilitacii repressirowannyh narodow Dagestana
- ISBN 9783848424726: Naraginti Amareswaran: Computer Education for New Learners
- ISBN 9783848424733: Khalid Iqbal: Optimisation of Wireless Communication System
- ISBN 9783848424740: Johnes Mwaruma Margaret Righa: The Impact of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Kenya
- ISBN 9783848424757: Aktual'nye problemy professional'noj sfery w aspekte sociolingwistiki
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- ISBN 9783848424832: Abdelaleim ElSayed: Physiologic and metabolic responses of abiotic stress in plants
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- ISBN 9783848424894: Kishan Kumar M.: Effect of Sheanut cake based complete diets in Buffaloes
- ISBN 9783848424900: Amir Al-Azab: A Pragmatic Study of the Mistranslations in The Cow,Joseph&The Cave
- ISBN 9783848424917: Vzaimootnosheniya Kazakhstana I Rossii V Imperskiy Period
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