ISBN beginnend mit 9783960671
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783960671008: Khan, Inam Danish: Rapid Diagnosis of Dengue Outbreaks in Resource Limited Facilities
- ISBN 9783960671022: Samuel Skipper: The Politics of Immigration. Is Germany moving towards a Multicultural Society?
- ISBN 9783960671039: Sven Bodo Wirsing: Maximal nilpotent subalgebras I: Nilradicals and Cartan subalgebras in associative algebras. With 428 exercises
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- ISBN 9783960671053: Kenneth Born: Did Basel III miss the point? The role of IFRS’s Other Comprehensive Income during the financial crisis
- ISBN 9783960671060: Perumalla Janaki Ramulu: Design and Fabrication of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion Process Analysis for Non-Ferrous Materials
- ISBN 9783960671077: Gouda M, Sateesh;Khan, A. G.;Hiremath, S. L.: Corporate Social Responsibility in India. Trends, Issues and Strategies
- ISBN 9783960671084: Basem Aly: The Use of Strategic Bombing against Non-State Actors in the Middle East. Objectives and Limitations of Air Power in the Cases of Hezbollah, Houthis and ISIS
- ISBN 9783960671091: Gregor Kirchhofer: Why Are Horror Games Appealing?
- ISBN 9783960671107: Abdul Rashid Dar: Conservation of Kashmir Himalayan Endemic Plants
- ISBN 9783960671114: Avani Maniar, Shivani Mehta: A Study on Silver Workers Residing in Vadodara City
- ISBN 9783960671121: Luis Sáez Rueda: El Malestar de Occidente. Perspectivas filosóficas sobre una civilización enferma
- ISBN 396067113X: Sandhya Rani Mohanty: Home Science Extension Education and Rural Development
- ISBN 9783960671138: Sandhya Rani Mohanty: Home Science Extension Education and Rural Development
- ISBN 9783960671145: Albert Mubako: Digital Transformation. The Realignment of Information Technology and Business Strategies for Retailers in South Africa
- ISBN 9783960671169: Thomas Zachariah: Applying Knowledge Management to Build-to-Order Processes in Manufacturing and Service Companies
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- ISBN 9783960671176: Pritesh Ranjan Dash: A Comprehensive Review on Five Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh. Chemical Constituents and Uses
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- ISBN 9783960671183: Sumedha Bhandari: Toni Morrison¿s Art. A Humanistic Exploration of The Bluest Eye and Beloved
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- ISBN 9783960671206: Vasiliy Kovalev: Interkulturelle Kommunikation im globalen Bildungsraum
- ISBN 9783960671213: Steve Micallef: Militarisation in East Asia. Considerations from the Works of Thucydides and Alfred Thayer Mahan
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- ISBN 9783960671220: Harikumar Rajaguru: Comprehensive Analysis of Swarm Based Classifiers and Bayesian Based Models for Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from EEG Signals
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- ISBN 9783960671237: Osama Mohammed Elmardi: Solutions to Problems in Heat Transfer. Transient Conduction or Unsteady Conduction
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- ISBN 9783960671244: Priyadarshi Bahinipati: Jagamohana Ramayana. The Epic of Balarama Dasa
- ISBN 9783960671251: Ceesay, Lamin O.: From Intraregional West African Migration toward an Exodus to Europe. A Case Study on Ghana
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- ISBN 9783960671282: Saeed Ullah Jan: An Improved Lightweight Privacy Preserving Authentication Scheme for SIP-Based-VoIP Using Smart Card
- ISBN 396067130X: Sinee Sankrusme: International Business Correspondence
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- ISBN 9783960671312: Salwa Ibrahim Kamil: The Pragmatics of Manipulation in British and American Political Debates
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- ISBN 9783960671367: Kumar, K. L. Prasanna: Handbook on Dynamic Capability
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- ISBN 9783960671374: Kousalya Prabahar: Pediatric Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. Prescribing Pattern and Health Economics
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- ISBN 9783960671381: Radha Mahendran: Computational Approaches for Identifying Drugs Against Alzheimer's Disease
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- ISBN 3960671415: Supriya Salve: Classification of Mammogram Images
- ISBN 9783960671411: Supriya Salve: Classification of Mammogram Images
- ISBN 9783960671428: Kuldeep Dhama: Topical Fluorides. A literature review
- ISBN 9783960671459: Della Savia, Roy: Migration and Emigration in Canada until 2003
- ISBN 9783960671466: Pravin Bhole: Digital Receipt System for Paperless Billing
- ISBN 9783960671473: Baig, Ahmed Fraz: An Improved and Robust Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming in Global Mobility Networks
- ISBN 9783960671497: Ava Tress: The Effect of Empowering Leadership on Work Engagement in an Organizational Change Environment. An Investigation of the Mediating Roles of Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem
- ISBN 9783960671503: Jawad Nasir: Baseline Air Quality of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
- ISBN 3960671512: Jasmin Lilian Diab: International Migration and Refugee Law. Does Germany's Migration Policy Toward Syrian Refugees Comply?
- ISBN 9783960671510: Jasmin Lilian Diab: International Migration and Refugee Law. Does Germany's Migration Policy Toward Syrian Refugees Comply?
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- ISBN 9783960671534: Sinee Sankrusme: Potential Development Strategies on Marine and Beach Tourism
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- ISBN 9783960671657: Daniel James Schuster: Resisting under Occupation. A Palestinian – Uyghur Comparison
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- ISBN 9783960671695: Sharon Mutsau: Revisiting Bilateral Investment Treaties in the 21st Century. A Kenyan and South African Experience
- ISBN 9783960671725: Burhan Ahmad, Shahid Mahmood: Observed, Simulated and Projected Extreme Climate Indices over Pakistan
- ISBN 9783960671732: Marri Sreenivasulu: Trends in Retail Marketing in India
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- ISBN 9783960671763: Tahmeed Zaman: The Impending Demise of the Euro. The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Sustainability of the Euro
- ISBN 9783960671770: Andreas Zerfaß: Learning Rates of Electric Vehicles
- ISBN 9783960671787: Abbas Deygan Darweesh Al-Duleimi: EFL Context: One World or Different Worlds?
- ISBN 9783960671794: Ammar Mahmoud: The International Criminal Court, the Security Council and Darfur: A Critique
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- ISBN 9783960671954: Christo Ananth: Cardiac Patients Monitoring at a Distance
- ISBN 9783960671961: Sven Bodo Wirsing: Maximal nilpotent subalgebras II: A correspondence theorem within solvable associative algebras. With 242 exercises
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- ISBN 9783960671992: Adegbite Adeleke Adesipo: Basic Studies on the Dual-Polymer Flocculation of Iron Hydroxide